九年级英语语法专项复习 代词 含答案

发布 2022-08-18 05:56:28 阅读 2138



get ready before class】


i. 人称代词。

1. 人称代词的主格、宾格,**如下:


i love my country. she is a good student.


i don’t know her. his mother is waiting for him outside. —who is it? —it’s me.

2. 人称代词的语序。


单数形式(二、三、一) you, he and i 复数形式(一、二、三) we, you and they


1. 物主代词分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词,**如下:

2. 形容词性物主代词在句中做定语修饰名词,一般不单独使用。

his parents are both office workers. my name is jack.

3. 名词性物主代词常用来避免前面已提及的名词,相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词”。

this is my dictionary. where is yours? —it’s over there, on the bed.

my idea is quite different from hers.


he is a friend of mine. (我的一个朋友)


1. 反身代词的单复数形式**如下:

2. 反身代词的用法。

the little boy is too young to look after himself. (作宾语)

i hope you can enjoy yourselves at the party. (作宾语)

the children made model planes themselves. (作同位语)

please help yourself to some fish. (作宾语)

3. 反身代词的常用词组。

teach oneself 自学 learn by oneself 自学 come to oneself 苏醒。

hurt oneself 受伤 by oneself 亲自 help oneself to 随便吃……

enjoy oneself 过得愉快,玩得高兴。

iv. 指示代词。

1. 指示代词**如下:

2. 指示代词的用法。

1)this / these

近指:this is my pen. these are my books.

指下文要提到的事:please remember this: no pains, no gains.

2)that / those

远指:that’s her bike.

指前面刚刚提到过的事:he was ill. that was why he didn’t go to school.

3. 打**时用this介绍自己,that询问对方:

this is mike speaking. 我是麦克。 who’s that? 你是谁?

enjoy the class】



单项选择 ) 1. he asked three men bob, joe, and __to be ready.

a. ib. herselfc. med. himself

) 2. _h**e known each other for ten years.

a. he and ib. i and hec. he and youd. i and you

) 3. listen to __sister!

a. she and she’s b. she and her c. her and she d. her and her

) 4. you’ve dropped your pencil

a. pick up itb. pick it up c. take up it d. bring it up

) 5. she is as tall as __

a. himb. herc. himselfd. she

) 6. what’s that girl

a. it’s a student b. she’s student c. she’s a student d. she’s a student girl

) 7. jack g**e __a. to her the flowers b. the flowers to hers c. her the flowers

) 8. their parents areteachers.

a. bothb. allc. eitherd. neither

) 9. this room isin the building.

a. bigger than any other one b. biggest than any other one c. bigger than any one

) 10. i h**e four brothers. one is in shanghai, but __are in shenyang.

a. anotherb. otherc. the otherd. the others

答案】enjoy the class】


1. c 2. a

3. d 4. b

5. a 6. c

7. c 8. a

9. a10. d


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