
发布 2022-07-26 07:30:28 阅读 5069

(r)7年级上第九单元my f**orite subject is science.语法点。

1.核心词掌握星期一到七2.核心短语h**e mathplay with…after classtalk about sth./


be busy with lunchwrite to that


what’s your f**orite subject?my f**orite subject is do you like science?because it’s is your music teacher?

my music teacher is ms. xie.特殊疑问句。


特殊疑问句是以what, who, when, where, why,how等词开始的疑问句,对句子中哦你点某一部分提出疑问的句子。也称作wh-问句。其结构为:




1is that girl in red car?

that’s my sister.

a. whob. whatc. whered. how2do you like pandas?because they are cute.

a. whob. whatc. whyd. how3is this bike?one hundred dollars.

a. how manyb. how muchc.

how longd. what4do you h**e a swimming class?on saturday morning.

a. what timeb. wherec. whyd. when5sweater is this?

it can’t be tom’s. it’s too small for him.

a. whoseb. whoc. whatd. which句型转换:

1. her f**orite subject is music.

her f**orite subject?2. the little boy on the bike is my brother.

the little boy on the bike?3. he likes science becauseit’sinterestinghe like science?

4. we h**e art on tuesday and thursdaywe h**e art?5.

she goes to school at eight o’clock.

sheto school?5. what’s your f**orite subject?

1)what’syour f**orite…?询问对方喜欢的事物。

what’syour/ his/ her f**orite subject/ color/ sport/ fruit/ food…?(2) f**orite= like…best(3) subject

my f**orite subject is science.

1) my f**orite…is…“我最喜欢的。。。是。。。用来表达自己喜欢的事物用来表达别人喜欢的事物的时候,也可以用这样的结构:

her/ his f**orite color is black.(2) f**orite adj. /do you like

1)why do you like…?常常用来询问对方喜欢的原因,其回答常用because+从句。也可以用来询问别人喜欢的原因:

why does she like art?because she thinks it’s fun.(2) =physical education

3) 和because ofbecause和so

4) why not do…?=why don’t you do…?8. who’s your teacher?mr. hu.

1) who is…?常用来询问身份(2) mr., mrs., miss, ms.

9. he always plays games with us.(1) play games做游戏(2) with和。。。在一起。

3) play with…和某人/某物一起玩10. i think history is interesting.(1)宾语从句(2)否定转移。

3) think v.思考,想,认为let me think for a moment.

what do you think of this movie? the next day is saturday.(1)the next day第二天。

2) next下一个,紧挨着的。

next weeknext monthnext year


1. what’s your f**orite subject

a. e-mailc. mathd. red2does she like blue?because the color makes her happy.

a. whatb. whenc. whyd. how3. why don’t you like physicsit’sdifficult.

a. because ofb. becausec. sod. but

4. mr. zhang is our chinese teacher.

we likeclass very herb. hisc. myd.

your5. whoyour f**orite teacher?

a. beb. amc. ared. is12. what do you think of these subjects?

1)what do you think of….?用于询问或者征求某人对某事/物的看法。当主语是第三人称单。

数的时候要用what does he/ she think of…?(2)think of认为。。。13. at 8:00 i h**e math.

1) h**e表示某人上。。。课= h**e a/ an…lesson/ class(2) at表示时间。


c.逆读法past / tod. quarter的用法。

4) h**e的其他用法:14. i am very busy on friday.

1) be busy with sth.(2) be busy doing sth.(3) on表示时间的用法。

当星期前有this, that, next, last等词修饰的时候,不用介词on15. after that, i h**e at 11:00.(1)after that(2)

is from 12:00 to 1:00,…from…to…

17. my class finish at 1:50, but after that i h**e an art lesson for two hours.(1) but

2) finish doing sth.(3) h**e an art lesson= h**e art(4) for +一段时间18. it’s really relaxing.

(1)relaxing and relaxed19.书信的格式。

信头,称呼,正文,结束语,签名。及其注意事项20. thank you for your you for sth./ doing sth.

21. i want to meet you on friday afternoon.(1)want to do sth.

2)on friday afternoon

22. now write an e-mail message to a friend about your firday.(1)write a letter to sb.

/ write to sb.(2)write an e-mail message to sb.23.


what, who, whom, whose, which, when, where, why


think music is very

a. interestingb. interestedc. tiredd. tiring

2. they h**e art class2:00 .

a. on; onb. on; atc.

at; ond. at; at3. i’m busyhomework.

a. to dob. doc. doesd. doing4. the teacher asks usto school on time.

a. gob. to goc. goingd. goes5. tomenglish on monday afternoon.

a. h**eb. hasc. god. goes6. don’t

a. withb. toc.

ford. at7. d**id’s f**oriteis monday because he has subjectb.

monthc. yeard. day8.

what day is it today?it’s

a. sundayb. july 3rdc.

5 o’clockd. may 11th9. my mother often tells me funny forb.

ofc. withd. to

a. some; some; anyb. any; any; somec. some; any; anyd. any; some; some用所给单词的正确形式填空。

at school every day. (h**e/ has) math teacher is very strictus.(in/ with)

mother is busyin kitchen now. (cooking/ cook) ask usour homework on time. (do/ to do) h**e musicmonday.

(on / at) tellthe news. (i)

fine. how about your mother?- shefine, too. (be) are somein the basket. (tomato)

mother tells me notfootball in the street. (play) doesn’t take anywith him.(food)


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