九年级总复习七上7 12练习

发布 2022-07-25 22:30:28 阅读 5641


unit 7.

1are these pants? =the __of these pants? 这条裤子多少钱?


2. how much加不可数名词,how many 加可数名词复数how___food, how __students

3我能帮你吗?__can iyou? 我能为你做什么?

5. i我想要件毛衣。

6do you want? 你想要什么颜色?

7are. =here it is给你(这件毛衣 / 钱等)。

8 i’ll __it. =i’ll __it. =i’ll h**e it. 我买下它了。

9 thank you. /thanks a lotthat’s别客气。


11. 短语以合理的**把…卖给…

从… 买在**。

)1. my brother’s shoes __black.

a. am b. is c. are d. be

)2. -how much is the t- shirt?--it’s __

a. 50 dollar b. 50$ c. $50 d. dollar 50

)3. -what color is it

a. it’s a green carb. it’s a green

c. it’s greend. it’s green car.

)4. -what color are jim’s shoesblack.

a. it is b. they are c. his is d. these are

unit 8.

1your / her / his __你的 / 她的 / 他的生日是什么时候?

my / her / his birthday is __may 14th. 我的 / 她的 / 他的生日是5月14日。

2youyour __你多大了?


3. monday isday of the week. 周一是一星期中的第二天。(序数词前常有the)

it’s my eighth birthday. (序数词eighth前已有限定词my, 故不再加the.)

4. 短语生日聚会英语演讲比赛



1月2月3 月4 月。



6. 写出下列数字的基数和序数词。

1 one first23

)1. when __the party?

a. is b. are c. do d. does

)2. -when is the basketball game? -it’s __march.

a. in b. on c. at d. for

)3. when is __birthday party?

a. d**id b. d**id’s c. you d. him

)4. the basketball game is __june and the volleyball game is __september.

a. in; in b. 不填;不填 c. in; 不填 d. 不填; in

unit 9.

1. do you / does she want to你想 / 她想看电影吗?


3. june really琼真的喜欢动作片。(really可修饰动词,但very不能。)

4. mike迈克是英国人。(注意english前无冠词an.)

5. i often go to movies __my friends. 我常和朋友一起看电影。(with,“用;和…一起”)

6. 短语学习有关…的知识中国历史


7. 语法:并列连词and和or. 都译为“和”, 常用于否定句。__常用于肯定句。

he doesn’t like __art. =he doesn’t like __he doesn’t like art.

or只用于连接否定句中的短语。若连接两个否定句时仍用and, 如后一句。)

)1. what kind of movies __like?

a. are you b. he does c. does he

)2. brad likes comedies, _he doesn’t like thrillers.

a. and b. usually c. but

)3. he doesn’t like thrillers __comedies.

a. and b. or c. but

)4. my mother likes action movies __documentaries.

a. and b. or c. but

)5. he __beijing is very interesting.

a. think b. thinks c. like

)6. i __the film is __boring.

a. think; not b. thinks; not c. don’t think; 不填 d. doesn’t think; 不。

unit 10.


2. ithe art / music club. 我想参加美术 / **俱乐部。


4. can you你弹钢琴弹得好吗?

5. _youkids? 你善于和孩子相处吗? (be good with sb. 善于和某人相处)

6. _i___your name? 我可以知道你的名字吗?= what’s your name?

7. _can you __你会做什么?

8. 短语弹钢琴乐器前有the)

english __上英语课上表演课。


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中考专题 九年级 上 总复习练习

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