九年级unit2知识点总结 3a填空 练习

发布 2022-07-25 06:30:28 阅读 3331

unit 2i think that mooncakes are delicious!

重点词汇。过去时) )陌生人过去时)过去式过去分词) lay(v过去式)__过去分词) _过去时___过去分词)15. warm(adjn.

温暖;暖和 __过去时) _过去分词)key words and expressions(英汉互译)现在分词)





传播;展开;蔓延(v. &n12.传统(n

13. in the shape of14.甜点;甜食(n15.

无论谁;不管什么人(pron16. haunted(adj17. ghost(n18.



&n21. novel(n22. business(n23.

punish(v24.警告;告诫(v25. relative(n26.

water festival27. spring festival29. lantern festival30.

in the shape of31. care of



明年42.去…度假43.听起来像 a trick on sb45.

shoot down46. as a result47.飞起;向上飞48.

摆开;布置49.回来;返回50. care about51.

end up52. in need


look scary56. light candles57. dress up as58.

play a trick on sb重点句型。


billthey will h**ezongziagain next year.2.我知道泼水节确实很有趣。

i knowthe water festivalreally fun.3.今天是多棒的一天!

great day it is!


iheardthatitisbecomingpopularmother’s day and father’s day in china.5.香港的食物真可口!

the food is in hong kong!


idon’ up.


1. h**e you read the novelwrite) by rowling?

2. if you don’t study hard, you will end upfail) the exams.3.

we’d like to enjoy thewarm) of the house.4. the girl promisesstudy) hard from now on.

5. his father went to shanghai onbusy).6.

he feels sorry for his littledie) dog.

7. she is new here. she is astrange) to everyone.

8. i found a boylie) on the road when i passed by.句型转换,没空一词。

movie is very interesting.(改为感叹句interesting movie it is! runs really fast.

(改为感叹句peter runs!

you go shopping with me this afternoon? i wonder.(合并为一句)

igo shopping with me this green will come to china in three weeks.(对划线部分提问will miss green come to china?根据汉语意思完成句子1.


ifive pounds last month.2.如果你不努力学习,你的结果会和他一样。

if you don’t study hard, you’lllike him.3.我想知道它是否跟泼水节相似。

i wonderit’sthe water festival.4.小孩儿们都装扮成鬼怪或者黑色的猫。

little kidsghosts or black cats.5.不仅汤姆,而且露西也对运动感兴趣。


3a填空full moon, fullfeel)

china) people h**e beencelebrate) the mid-autumn festivalandenjoy) mooncakes forcentury). mooncakes are in the shape ofafill) moon on the mid-autumn night. theycarry___peoplewish) to the families they love and miss.

therearemuchtradition) folkstory)aboutthisfestivalhowever),mostpeoplethinkthatthestoryofchang’eisthemosttouch). chang’e was hou yi’s beautiful wife. after hou yishoot)down theninth) suns, agod) g**e him magic medicine to thank himwho)drankthiscouldliveforever,andhouyiplan)todrinkitwith chang’e .

however,abadman,pangmeng,triedsteal)themedicinewhenhouyiis) very light andfly0 up to the moon. hou yi was so sad that he called out___she) name to the moon every night. one night, he found that the moon was so brightand __around) that he could see his wife there.

hequick)__lay)outher f**orite fruits and desserts in the garden. how he wished that chang’ecome) back!

after this, people started thetraditional) ofadmire) the moonand sharing mooncakes with theirfamily).范文。





参考词汇:庆祝celebrate农历lunar calendar纪念in honor of诗人poet龙舟赛dragon boat racedear maria,i’m very happy that you are interested in chinese culture, especially the festivals. nowlet me first tell you something about the dragon boat festival.

the dragon boat festival is one of the most important chinese traditional festivals. it ison the fifth day of the fifth month in chinese lunar calendar, that is to say, it is not on thesame date every year. the dragon boat festival has a long history, which is in honor of thegreat ancient chinese poet qu yuan.

people celebrate the day by holding dragon boat racesand eating zongzi.

therearemanytraditionalfestivalsinchina,suchasthespringfestivalandthemid-autumn festival. festivals play an important part in chinese culture. it’s our duty torespect the traditions and make chinese culture known to the world.

yours,li hua

the ways to learn english

english is more and more important today,so we need to learn it arethree good ways to learn english.

first, i think we should be interested in learning english. if we do this, ourbrain will be more active and it’salsoeasier for us to pay attentionto it for along time. next, it is also a good idea to develop our study shills because it’s , we can take notes by writing down key words or by drawing a makes perfect.

” and no one can succeed overnight.

if we can do these carefully, we will get good grades at english.






参考词汇:庆祝celebrate农历lunar calendar纪念in honor of诗人poet龙舟赛dragon boat racedear maria,i’mveryhappythatyouareinterestedinchineseculture,especiallythefestivals. now let me first tell you something about the dragon boat festival.

the dragon boat festival is one of the most important chinese traditionalfestivals. it is on the fifth day of the fifth month in chinese lunar calendar, that isto say, it is not on the same date every year. the dragon boat festival has a longhistory, the day by holding dragon boat races and eating zongzi.

therearemanytraditionalfestivalsinchina, it’s our duty to respect the traditions and make chinese culture knownto the world.

yours,li hua


unit 2 i think that mooncakes are delicious.知识点。一 重点短语 二 重点句型。1.i think that they re fun to watch.我认为它们看着很有意思。2.what do you like about.what do you lik...


unit 2 i think that mooncakes are delicious.知识点。一 重点短语 二 重点句型。1.i think that they re fun to watch.我认为它们看着很有意思。2.what do you like about.what do you lik...

人教版九年级英语Unit2 A知识点

unit 2 i think that mooncakes are delicious section a 1.but i guess it was a little too crowded.但我认为它有点儿太拥挤了。教材第9页 crowded形容词,意为 拥挤的 常构成短语be crowded w...