
发布 2022-07-23 15:31:28 阅读 1701


copyright by terry lee. all rights reserved!

unit 1 what’s the matter?

p1. talk too much 说太多的话;谈论太多 1

p2. lie down 躺下 2

p3. h**e a rest = take a rest = rest 休息 2

p4. hot tea with honey 加有蜂蜜的热茶 2

p5. see a dentist = go to the dentist 看牙医 2

p6. get an x-ray 做x光检查 2

p7. take one’s temperature 量体温 2

p8. cut oneself 割着自己 2

p9. put some medicine on it. 在它上面放上药 2

p10. all weekend 整个周末 2 类似:

all day 整天 all night 整夜 all year 整年。

all morning 整个早上 (all 加时段时常无the)

p11. in the same way 以同样的方式(方法) 2

p12. for long 长久地 = for a long time 2

p13. at 9:00 yesterday 在昨天上午九点 3

p14. (take) the no. 26 bus 乘26路公交车 = take) bus no. 26 3

p15. on the side of … 在……的一边上 3

p16. shout for help 求救 3

p17. without thinking twice 毫不犹豫 3

p18. get off 下车 get on 上车 3

p19. h**e a heart problem 有心脏病 3

p20. go to the hospital 去医院(看病) 3

see a doctor = go to the/a doctor

p21. take sb to the hospital 带某人去医院 3

p22. expect (sb) to do sth 期待(某人)做某事 3

p23. wait for the next bus 等下趟车 3

(wait 是不及物,需加for再跟宾语)

p24. to one’s surprise,… 令某人惊讶的是,……3

p25. agree to do sth 同意做某事 3

p26. thanks to …,多亏了……,3

p27. in time 及时 (on time 准时) 3

p28. think about 考虑 3

p29. right away = at once 立刻,马上 3

p30. get into trouble 陷入困境 3

p31. get some sleep 得到一些睡眠 4

p32. hurt / cut oneself 伤 / 割了自己 4

p33. put a bandage on the cut 用绷带包扎伤口 5

p34. run the cut under water 用水清洗伤口 5

p35. get hit / get hurt / get sunburned / get killed 6

受到撞击 / 受伤 / 被晒伤 / 被杀死 (get+动过分表被动)

p36. h**e problems breathing呼吸有困难 6(见g7)

p37. be interested in sth /doing sth对(做)某事感兴趣 6

p38. (go) mountain climbing爬山/ (go) bicycle riding 骑车兜风 6

(名+动ing, 表运动项目,用此结构)

p39. in a …situation 处于……的局面/状况 6

p40. by oneself 依靠自己 ;独自 (by可省略) 6

p41. use sth to do sth 用某物做某事 6

p42. climb down … 爬下…… 6

p43. between a rock and a hard place 6


p44. tell of / about sth, 谈及某事,告诉有关……的情况 6

p45. the importance of sth/doing sth (做)某事的重要性6

p46. be in control of … 掌管,管理 6

p47. keep on doing sth = keep doing sth 继续做某事 6

p48. mean life or death 意味着生存或死亡 6

s1. what’s the matter (with you) 你怎么啦? 1

= what’s the trouble (with you)?

= what’s your trouble?

= what’s wrong (with you)?

答语常用i h**e a /an + 疾病:

i h**e a fever. 我发烧了。

i h**e a toothache. 我牙疼。

i h**e a headache. 我头疼。

i h**e a (bad) cold. 我感冒了。(有时可用catch a cold)

i h**e a stomachache. 我胃疼。

i h**e a cough. 我咳嗽。

i h**e a sore back. 我背疼。

i h**e a sore throat. 我喉咙疼。

s2. are you ok? 你好吗?/ 你没事吧? 2

s3. what should / can / shall i do? 我该怎么办? 2

s4. should i take my temperature? 我该量体温吗? 2

s5. it doesn’t sound like you h**e a fever. 2


s6. what did you do on weekend? 你在周末干什么了? 2

s7. you need to take breaks away from the computer. 2


s8. you should lie down and rest. 你应该躺下休息。2

s5. did you hurt yourself playing soccer? 4


s6. what happened (to you)? 你)发生了什么事?5

=what’s the matter (with you)?

g1. 部分感官动词用法。

系动词look, sound, taste, feel, smell, 加形:

that sounds wonderful. it tastes salty.

以上词若跟like, “起来像…”,加名/代/动名词/that从句。

that sounds like a good idea. 听起来像好主意。 (加名)

she looks like you. 她起来像你。 (加代)

it sounds like you h**e a fever. 听来好像你发烧了。(从句)


it doesn’t sound interesting. 这听起来不有趣。

tom doesn’t look like his brother. 汤姆看起来不像他哥哥。

g2. “及时”与“准时”。

in time, “及时”,指恰在需要的时候赶上。

the doctor s**ed the man in time.

we were just in time for the bus.

on time, “准时”, 指在规定的时间做到。

please come to the meeting on time. 请按时参会。

the train got there on time. 火车及时到了那儿。

g3. mean “指的是;意味着;意思是” 用法。

what do you mean? 你是什么意思?

what does the word mean? 这个单词是什么意思?

物 + mean doing sth, “意味着做某事”

missing the early bus means arriving late for school.


人+ mean to do sth, 故意做某事。

i didn’t mean to hurt you. 我不是故意要伤害你。

g4. thanks for 与thanks to区别。

thanks for … thank you for …,多谢……”后加名/ 动ing, 一般无下文来表示结果。

thanks for your help. /thanks for helping me.

thanks to …,多亏了……”一般有下文引出结果。

thanks to your help, i can finish the work on time.


g5. 计量表达法。 结构:数字+单位+形容词。



the bridge is 8 meters long. 这座桥八米长。

the baby is one year old. 这个婴儿一岁大。


人教版英语八年级下册知识点总结。copyright by terry lee.all rights reserved unit 1 what s the matter?p1.talk too much 说太多的话 谈论太多 1 p2.lie down 躺下 2 p3.h e a rest take ...


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