
发布 2022-12-15 22:40:28 阅读 9315




说明:下文凡出现左右箭头的情况,若名词用宾语,可在短语中间,或后面。若代词作宾语,只在短语中间。如:cut sth down.

unit 1 where did you go on vacation?

p1. stay at home 呆在家里 1

p2. go to summer camp 参加夏令营 1

p3. go to the mountains / climb the mountains 爬山1

p4. go to the beach 去海滩1

p5. on vacation在假期(在度假) (go on vacation 去度假) 1

jim is on vacation now. 吉姆现在在度假。

p6. last month 上个月 1

p7. anywhere interesting 任何有趣的地方2

p8. quite a few 相当多的 + 可复 2 (用法参照g3.)

p9. most of the time 大部分时间2

p10. h**e a good time 过得愉快3

p11. in the countryside 在农村3

p12. in the evening 在晚上3

p13. keep a diary 写日记3

p14. the fun park 开心乐园4

p15. arrive in = get to = reach到达5 (见g6)

p16. decide to do sth决定做某事5

p17. try to do sth试图做某事 5 (try doing sth 尝试做某事)

p18. a lot of ..lots of ..加可复 / 不可,“许多的” 5

p19. in the past 在过去 (一般过去时或现在完成时) 5

p20. around the town 在镇上5

p21. walk up to the top 向上走到山顶5

p22. start doing sth = start to do sth 开始做某事5

p23. too many + 可复 “太多的”5

too much+不可数,“太多的”)”much too+形/副,“过于”)

p24. because of 由于,因为5

p25. rain hard 雨下得很大5

p26. forget / remember to do sth 忘记 / 记住要做某事 6

p27. along the way 沿途6

p28. wait for … 等候……”6


p29. beijing duck 北京烤鸭7

p30. take some photos 拍一些** 7

p31. learn something important 学习一些重要的东西7

p32. in the shopping center 在购物中心8

p33. go on, 继续;继续向前走8

p34. up and down 上上下下, jump ~,跳上跳下8

p35. in excitement 兴奋的8

in danger在危险中;in good health 健康的)

p36. twenty minutes later 二十分钟后8

(时间段+later, “时间后”常用一般过去时。)

p37. the last five hours 最后的五小时 8

s1. where did you go on vacation? 假期你去哪儿了? 1

s2. i went to the summer camp. /i stayed at home.

/i visited the museums. 1 我参加夏令营了。/我呆在家。


s3. did you go with anyone? 你跟什么人一块去了吗?2

s4. long time no see. 好久不见。2

s5. did you go anywhere interesting? 你去有趣的地方了吗? 2

s6. what about you? =how about you? 你呢?2

s7. did you buy anything special? 你买了特别的东西了吗? 3

s8. no, i bought nothing. 不,我什么都没买。3

s9. how was the food there? 那儿的食物怎么样? 3

s10. how do you like it? 你对它怎么看?3 = what do you think of it?

s11. of course. 当然。= sure. =certainly. 3

s12. why didn't you buy anything for yourself? 3


s13. what a difference a day makes! 一天的差异是多么大啊! 5

s14. who did you go with? 你和谁一块儿去的?6

s15. what did you do there? 你在那儿干了什么?6

s16. sounds great! 听起来好极了! 6

s17. how did you feel about the trip? 你对这次旅行怎么看? 7

s18. i didn’t bring back anything from … 我没从…带回任何东西。8

s19. nothing at all. 根本就没有东西。8

at all, “根本”常用于否定句末尾。

there is nothing to eat at all. 一点吃的东西都没有。

i don’t know him at all. 我根本不认识他。

–thank you. –not at all. (没有什么,别客气)

g1. 不定代词与不定副词用法:

不定代词(~thing, 指物;~body, ~one指人)与



somewhere warm 某个温暖的地方

nothing delicious 没有好吃的东西。

some~ 用于肯定的陈述句中。 若用于疑问句中表请求或建议。“某个~,一些~ ”

any~ 用于肯定、否定和疑问句中。“任何~ ”every~ 可用于各种句型。“所有的~,每一个~ ”

通俗地说:any~ 指 “要么这个,要么那个”,every~ 指 “既有这个,又有那个”

g2. 动词的过去式:在句中作谓语。体现过去的时间。


一般加ed. visited, climbed, looked


y前是元音,直接加ed. enjoy → enjoyed

y前是辅单,变y为i加ed. carry → carried


以e结尾,直接加d. liked, lived

以w, x, y结尾,是半元半辅音,不可双写。

mix → mixed, bow → bowed


g3. few与little部分用法:

few+可复,“少,几乎没有”, 表否定。

a few +可复,“一些”,表肯定。

little +不可数 “少,几乎没有”,表否定。

a little+不可数,“一些,一点”,表肯定。

quite a few ≈ many; quite a little ≈ much

(a) little可作副词,修饰形/副/动,(a) few则不可。

he is a little hungry. 他有一点饿。

g4. most用法:

代词,“大多数” +of + 限定词+可复。

most of the students are polite.

most of them / us / you h**e a dictionary.

限定词,“大多的” +可复/不可数。

most people like pop music. 大多人喜欢流行**。


which do you like most? 你最喜欢哪个?

this is the most boring movie.这是最无聊的电影。

g5. seem “看起来像,似乎” 用法:

seem + to do sth. 若是to be, 可省略。seem是系动词。

he seems to like music. 他好像喜欢**。

they seem (to be) friendly. 他们似乎很友好。

it + seem + that从句。it是形式主语。

it seems that he likes music. 他似乎喜欢**。

it seemed that she was friendly. 她似乎很友好。

g6. 三个“到达”:

arrive, 不及物动词。可单独使用。

若接地点,arrive in + 大地点,arrive at + 小地点。

don’t arrive late. 不要迟到。(单独使用)

arrive in beijing, arrive at the bus station

reach, 及物动词,后面直接跟地点。

reach beijing, reach the bus station

不说:reach home, reach there

get to +地点名词,get +地点副词。

get to beijing, get to school, get to the bank (有to);

get home, get there (无to)


人教版英语八年级下册知识点总结。copyright by terry lee.all rights reserved unit 1 what s the matter?p1.talk too much 说太多的话 谈论太多 1 p2.lie down 躺下 2 p3.h e a rest take ...


人教版英语八年级下册知识点总结。copyright by terry lee.all rights reserved unit 1 what s the matter?p1.talk too much 说太多的话 谈论太多 1 p2.lie down 躺下 2 p3.h e a rest take ...


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