
发布 2022-07-23 08:16:28 阅读 9867

unit 1

重点短语】morning/ afternoon / evening

/ nice to meet / see you

3.--welcome to +地点。


me help you.

is mr./mrs./ms./miss brown

= thank you


id card

from=come from来自。

she is from china.

she comes from china.

english/in chinese.

eg: what’s this in english.

the letter is in chinese.

重要句型】1. -what’s your name?

--my name is sally.

2. -whereareyoufrom?

---i’m from canada.

--wheredo you comefrom?

--i come from america.

3. -where is he/ she from?

--he/she is from japan.

4. -what’sthis/ that in english?

-- it’s a/ an…

5. -what’re these/ those in english?


6. -how do you spell it?

--e-r-a-s-e-r, eraser.

7. -can you spell it?

--yes, m-a-p, map.

8. —how old are you/ is he/ are they?

i’m/ he is/ they are eleven (years old).

9. —what’syourtelephone number?

it’s 4567967.

10. —what class/ grade are you in?

i’min class ten, grade seven.

11. —how do you do?

how do you do? (初次见面问候)

12. —how are you?

fine, thank you. and you?

i’m ok.

13. —thank you.

you’rewelcome. /that’s ok. /not at all.



ei] aahhjjkk

i:] eebbccddggppttvv

a] iiyy

ju:] uuqq ww




eg: on sunday, we go to the west hill for a picnic.

3. be动词的用法。




yes,人称代词+ be;

否定回答:no,人称代词+be + not。

如: they are not teachers.

--are they teachers?

--yes, they are./no, they aren’t.


1)不定冠词a, an的用法。

a /an都表示“一,一个”,a用在以辅音音素开头的单词前。

如:a book; a desk;

an用在以元音音素开头的单词前,如:an apple / an orange/ an english book;/ an english boy/ an old man;/an actor/ an english teacher/ an office worker.


we are inthesame class.

thegirl in a pink skirt is jane.

where isthebook?

this isn’t my one is mine.

3) and的用法。

数字相加看做单数:two and threeisfive.

颜色相加也是单数: black and whiteisgray.


lucy and lilyaresisters.

the pen and the eraserarejane’s.



一般在名词词尾加-s,如:car---cars; photo---photos; toy---toys; boy---boys

以s, x, ch, sh结尾的词,在词尾加--es,如:box---boxes; bus--buses

以辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i再加es,如:baby--babies; family--families



如:foot---feet; man---men; woman---women; snowman---snowmen;

3)集体名词:people, clothes, police, family

4)成双出现的名词:shoes, pants(trousers), gloves, eyes, ears

九。一词多义:an orange(桔子)is orange(橙色的).

unit 2

重点短语】1. give sb. sth. =give sth. to sb.把某物给某人。

eg: please give the book to jane.

=please give jane the book.

遇到物品是代词it/them, 只能说:

pleasegive it/them to her.

samelook different


helooks likehis father. =he and his fatherlook the same.


the boynext tome is my good friend.


in +a/an +颜色+衣服穿着……颜色的……

the boyin a yellow t-shirt and gray pantsis my good friend.

1) both两者都(be动词之后,实义动词之前)

they both h**e brown hair and black eyes.

they are both office workers.


they are all kind to me.


twobig red apples

she has short blond hair.

重点句型】1. -whoisyour f**orite actor?

-my f**orite actor is jack.

arein the same school,but we arein different grades.

do/does +主语+look like? …长得怎么样?

--what does he look like?

-- he is not very tall but very strong.

don’t look the same, but we are goodfriends.

welook the same, but we arein different clothes.

5.--what color is/are +主语?

--it’s/ they’re +颜色。

--what color is her hair?

--it’s blond.

ismy cap. =this cap ismine.

is this your cap? =is this cap yours?

--whose capis this? =whose is thiscap?

-- it’s sally’s.

--whose are these bananas?

-- they’retheir bananas/theirs.

pants are blue and mine arewhite. (mine=my pants)

my t-shirt is green and hisisbrown.

his=his t-shirt)

8. i h**e small eyes, but he has big ones.


my jacket is blue and white. that one is blue.(one指代jacket)



unit2 topic 2 what does she look like section a 授课班级 七 2 班。授课教师 夏春蓉。一 teaching aims 1 knowledge and technology the new words and phrases wh question 2...


unit 1 1 good morning afternoon evening 早上 下午 晚上好 good night 晚安 晚上告别 3 welcome to 地点欢迎来到 回答 thank you 或者thanks 4 let s v 原 让我们做 5 stand up 起立 sit down...


unit 1 new friends 一 元音字母 aaeeiioouu 包含有以下元音的字母 e aahhjjkk i eebbccddggppttvv a iiyy ju uuqq ww e ffllmmnnssxxzz 二 大小写。句首字母,人名,地名,称呼语,专有名词,星期的首字母要大写,引...