
发布 2022-07-22 18:52:28 阅读 3227



starter unit 1-3


1. -how are you ?

---i’m fine, thank you. \thanks. how are you? \and you?

---i’m ok, thank you.\ thanks.--fine, thank you.\thanks.

2what’s this \ that in engli****’s a\ an …

3. -what this \ thatit’s a \an…

it, please.=how do you spell it please?

5.. what color is it? -it’s + 表示颜色的单词。


(1)hb (2)cd (3) bbc (4) nba (5)cctv

6) ufo (7) un (8)p (9) s、m、l (10) usa (11)kg

习题:一.单项选择 (把正确的选择项填到题前的括号内)(18分)

)1.早晨, 熟人见面可以说 .

morningb. good afternoon!

c. good eveningd. good night.

)2. whatthis ?

a. am b. are c. is d. be


a. how are you? b. nice to meet you. c. thanks.

)4.对方给你帮完忙后, 你应该说。

a. ok b. thank you c. hello d. bye-bye.


a. f b. i c. g d. b

) 6.书写时占下两格的字母是。

a. i b. g c. f d. b


a. c b. o c. a d. b

)8.其他人问你how are you? 你应回答。

a. how are youb. and you?

c. fine, thank you. and you? d. thank you very much,.

)9. —hello, daleeric

a. hi b. hello c. good morning d. ok

)10. it’sblack.it’sblack ruler.

a.a;/ b./;ac.a;a d. /

)11. –what is itblack and yellow.

a. color; they are b. colors; it’s

c. color; it’s d. colors; they are

)12. .tom,what’s this in english

a.this is a penb.it’s a pen

c.it’s pend. that is a pen.

)13are you? —fine, thanks.

a. how b. what c. who d. where

)14.下列小写字母占格相同的是 。

a. omnb. hoa c. flk d. ikn


a. white b. hi c. this d. i

二. 按顺序默写26个大小写字母,注意格式:

三. 完成对话 (把下列的对话补充完整)。

a: good afternoon, dale! bfrank!

a: how are youb: i’mthanks

a: i’m okb

a: it’s a jacketb: speel it ,please.

ab: what color is it?

a:it’s __紫色的) b: thanks.


1. tom’s夹克衫) is old.

2. what’s your名字) ?

3. his英语) is very good.

4. there’s a被子) in the bed.

5. please拼写) “please”.


1.i’m(完整形式)__2.what is(缩略形式。

3.it’s(完整形式 name is (缩略形式。


1.howyou? (am, is ,are

2.whatthis in english? (am, is ,are)

3.what color is the pen? itred. (am, is ,are)

4.what’s this? it’sorange. (a, an )

5. what’s this? it’s __jacket. (a, an

6. it’sapple. (a, an )

试卷二。unit 1 my name’s gina!


一。 重点词短语。

1.first name = given name2. last name = family name

3. phone number = telephone number 4. id card 5. school id card

二。 重点句型。

1. -what’s your name? -my name’s +名字。/ i’m +名字 ./直接回答名字。

2.--what’s her name? 3what’s his name?

---her name’shis name’s…

4. -what’s your telephone number?

---it’s + **号码。\ my telephone number is + 号码

5.--what’s her\ his telephone number? -her \his telephone number is+号码。

6.--nice to meet you! -nice to meet you, too.



英美国家则相反,名在前姓在后。所以名是 first name=given name,姓family name= last name.(jim green)(li xiao hong)

2. be 动词用法口决:我(i)用am,你(you)用are,is连着他她它 (he\she\it),单数主语用(is),复数主语全用(are).



第一人称 i (我) me(我) my(我的) mine

第二人称 you(你) you(你) your(你的) yours

第三人称 he(他) him(他) his(他的) his

she(她) her(她) her(她的) hers

it(它) it(它) its(它的) its


第一人称 we(我们us(我们our(我们的)


starter u1 u2名词检测。1.早晨。2.下午。3.晚上。4.谢谢。5.英语。6.地图。7.杯子。8.尺子。9.钢笔。10.桔子。11.夹克衫。12.钥匙。13.被子。14.颜色。15.红色。16.黄色。17.绿色。18.蓝色。19.黑色。20.白色。21.紫色。22.棕色。23.名字。24...

新目标英语七年级上starter 新版

人教版新目标七年级英语试题 starter units 1 3 总分 100分 一 按顺序默写26个英文字母的大小写,并用标出元音字母。31分 二 单项选择题 共15小题,计15分 1.good afternoon,mr zhang a.good morning b.ok c.good aftern...

新版新目标英语七年级上册重点短语 整理版

语归纳。sb at 号码拨 号码 找某人。starter units unit 3 english用英语。14.must can 动原。必须 能。做 color什么颜色。name given name name family name姓氏。number telephone number 号码。set...