
发布 2022-07-22 17:42:28 阅读 8811

七年级下英语单元讲学稿 unit one can you play the guitar?


section a

part one 生词学习:

1. play-plays-played-playing

v. ⑴play与球类、棋牌类运动项目搭配,表“参与运动”或“进行比赛”,运动名称前不加限定词。

play soccer/cards/chess/computer games


play the guitar/piano/drums/violin/trumpet/erhu


play with a ball/a toy/ a yo-yo

(4)player n.运动员一位好运动员a good player 一些运动员some players

n. 剧 tv play/school play

1) why not __for us. we know you can play them well.

a. play the drums b. play violin c. play the drum d. play piano

2)朗朗擅长弹钢琴。langlang is good at

3) jordon is a good basketball

4) my mum likes watching tvevery evening.

v.唱歌。sing a song for sb./sing songs for singer sings very well.

) jay zhou is a famoushe sings very___

a. singer; good b. singer; well c. sing; well d. player; well


去游泳go swimming/go for a swim/h**e a swim

sun yang is good athe very well. he is an excellent .

v.&n. 跳舞。

the __canvery well (dance)

抽屉) v.画画。

the girl likesdraw) very much.


(1)speak+语言 eg.说英语speak english/ say it in english

i can speak a little english.

说英语的学生/国家english-speaking students/ countries

(2)speak to sb.

may i speak to jim?(**用语) who’s that speaking? is that jim speaking?

1) i can’tchinese. please say it in english.

2) –can ito mary?

--this is mary

辨析》say, talk, tell & speak

say(1)强调说的内容say sth.

(2)say to sb.

(3)say+that从句the teacher says that the sun is round.

talk(1)谈话,交谈 talk with/to sb. talk about sth. talk with sb. about sth.

(2)n.报告give a talk to sb.作报告 h**e a talk听报告。


tell sb. sth.=tell sth. to sb.

tell sb. (not) to do sth.

tell stories/ jokes

tell sb. about sth.

1) i come here to __goodbye to you.

2) my teacher wants towith my mother.

3) my younger sister can __chinese and french.

4) please __me who is your brother.

5) the book __about a clever boy.

6) –can i __to jim?



1) i want to __the sports club. i like tennis and running.

2) tom swims very well. he wants to join theswim) club.

3) come and __us. 来加入我们吧。

good at (doing) sth.擅长于=do well in

be good with sb./sth.善于应付……的;对……有办法。

be good for 对……有好处。

be good to sb.=be friendly to sb.对某人友好。

1) the boy is good at __stories. so he wants to join the storyclub.

2) are you goodtennis?

3) the teacher is good __her students, so they like her very much.

4) are you good __old people?


write (a letter) to sb.=write sb. a letter


sing-singer teach-teacher dance-dancer speak-speaker play-player run-runner

win-winner drive-driver write-writer

visit-visitor act-actor

1) i want to be a __because i likestories.(write)

2) he w___to his mum every month.

n.演出;节目we want students for the school show.

v.给……看;展示come and show us.

把某物给某人看show sb. sth.=show sth. to sb.

1) there is a flowerin the garden. many people come to see them.

2) can you __the way to the park?

3) please __your photos __me.

a. show; for b. show; to c. see; for d. see; to

part two 研读教材:


i. 补全对话(2a)

bob: hi, mary. hereall the clubs.

mary: whatdo you want to join?

bob: i want to join the english club. i likeenglish. how about you?

mary: hmm. i want to join the chess club. can you play chess?

bob: no, ichess. do you like music?

mary: oh, yes. i can sing and dance. i like music.

boblet’s join the music club.

ii. 针对性训练,根据(2a)回答下列问题。

club does bob want to join?

club does mary want to join?


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