
发布 2022-07-15 19:30:28 阅读 2953


1. the king was f___because hes wearing no clothes.

2. there were a lot of p___in the street.

3. on christmas day, he g___a wonderful present from his parents.

4. “dont park your car here.” the park keeper pointed at the sign, “see?

it s___no parking。

5. one day, the lion w__sick. his wife looked after him carefully.

6. long long ago, there w___three bears in the house.

7. last autumn i p__oranges on the farm with my friends.

8. the boy is not very c___but he studies so hard and always get no. 1 in the exams.


)1. long long ago, there __a lion. he __in the forest.

a. is, lives b. was, lived c. were, lived

)2. the king walked through the city __his new clothes.

a. onb. inc. for

)3. “ha! ha! the king isnt wearing __clothes!”

a. many b. some c. any

)4. clever tom is from the farm. he can__an ice cream __his mum.

a: make, for b: tell, to c: show, for

)5. she watered the flowers __

a. tomorrow b. sometimes c. yesterday morning

)6. last weekend, i __a card from my good friend mark.

a. getb. h**ec. got

)7. a:mummy, i like snow white and seven dwarfs. please __the story for __me again.

b: oh, baby. its time for bed.

a. tellb. sayc. sing

)8. one day, the little girl her grandma in the forest.

a. visitsb. visited c. visit

)9. a: bobby, its your __whats next?

b:then,the kind girl s**ed the prince and she foam(泡沫).

a. turn, turns into b. turn, turned into c. turned, turn into

) american cowboy likes wearing __and a scottish man likes __wearing .

a. jeans, a kilt b. a kilt, jeans c. jeans, kilt


1.皇帝的新装_ 2. 很久以前。

3. 一天 4. 给国王看他的新衣服。


6. 聪明人 7.走过这个城市。


9.一个小男孩 10. 指着。


1. he lived in the new house. he __be) happy .

2. the king isn’t wearing __some) clothes.

___man) like drinking___some) milk.

day, they __be ) at school. they walked through the playground.

___look ) at the pictures and __laugh) two days ago.

6.long long ago, the old man __tell) the boy this story 三、句子翻译(24分)


there __a king. he __new __


the king isn’tclothes.


one day, two___the king. 4.愚蠢的人看不见它们。

can’t see __


there __a lot of __in the __


___says one __


there was a __


please __these __


please don’tthat dog.


they aren’t __they are __


miss li and __students are __a __


unit 1 public signs 随堂练习一。一 你认识这些标志吗?二 课文全连接。根据课文内容填空 ben and hisjack,are in the park.there re a lot ofin the park.theydifferent things.there s a sign...


牛津小学英语6a第一单元第一课时教学设计。本单元主要围绕 公共标志 这个话题开展各项活动,所涉及到的日常交际项目有介绍 询问 忠告和建议等,其中,以 询问公共标志含义 及其应答为重点内容。学生们在日常生活中对 公共标志 并不陌生,但作为一个话题谈论是会有一定困难的。为了使学生更好地掌握本单元的学习内...


年龄。一直,总是。住宅区。家庭。遇见。成员。从不。仅,只 正确的。有时 比。睡觉的时间。通常,大抵 年轻的,幼小的。数字,号码。放学 后。厘米。骑车。穿着打扮。互相。重的。高度。怎么样。恰好,正好。千克。同 一样。幼犬。分享。溜冰。一起。在周末。重量。范围,区域。渡船。到达。大声地。亲爱的。博物馆。...