
发布 2022-07-15 19:50:28 阅读 1372

unit 1 public signs




ben and hisjack, are in the park. there’re a lot ofin the park. theydifferent things.

there’s a sign on theit means they mustfrom the building. there’s a sign on theit means they shouldn’tthe grass. the sign on theis interesting.

it means they shouldn’tthere.


)1. jack has many questions __the public signs.

a. aboutb. inc. at

)2. my sister and i are in different __

a. classb. classes c. the class

)3.—do you like the park?—_

a. yes, i canb. yes, i doc. yes, i am

( )4. if you are in the library, you should “_

a. make noise b. smoke c. be quiet

)5. there __any water in the glass.

a. isb. isn’tc. are

)6.—can i go in

a. yes, i canb. no, you can’tc. yes, you are

)7. it’s half past nine. it’s time __bed.

a. forb. toc. go to

)8. my uncle’s daughter is my __

a. sisterb. cousinc. aunt

)9. now i know __about the public signs.

a. a lotb. a lot ofc. lots of

( )pen is on the floor. please __for me.

a. pick it upb. pick them up c. pick up


1. jack 总是有许多问题。

jackhas aof

2. 那个标志意思叫你不要在这喧哗。

that signyou shouldn’there.

3. 他的爷爷正在公园里散步。

his grandfather isin the park.

4. 我们不能在草坪上走路、丢杂物。

wewalk andon the grass.

5. 你必须先做家庭作业。

youyour homework first.



1.保持安静5. do not touch

2.拍照6. four years old

3.回家7. my cousin

4.看电视8. play computer games


1. that sign on the wall means “nosmoke).”

2not walk) on the grass, please.

3. you shouldcome) home at 6:00.

4. therebe) many books on the desk.

5. his father oftengo) to the park in the morning.

6. can ih**e) an ice-cream now?

7. jack isask) ben some questions now?

8. please givei) ten yuan.


a: look at thiswhat does it

b: itno cameras”.

a: what does that mean?

b: itwephotos here.

a: oh, i see.


iii )1. can i read books nowa. yes, it does.

)2. what day is it todayb. all right.

)3. what does it meanc. it means “be quiet”.

)4. don’t touch the walld. it’s friday.

)5. does it mean “dangere. sure, you can.


1. it means “no smoking”. 对划线部分提问)

it2. the sign means “keep off the grass”. 改为同义句)

the sign means we shouldn’tthe grass.

3. jack is only four years old. (对划线部分提问)

is jack?

4. i can see many signs in the park. (对划线部分提问)

can youin the park.


mr brown is running in the park. suddenly, he sees a ten-yuan note on the grass. mr brown looks around.

there is no one nearby. he quickly walks to the note and picks it up. then a park keeper comes up to him.

the park keeper points to the sign on the grass. he says to mr brown, “can’t you see the sign over there?” it says, “please keep off the grass.

fine 10 yuan.” now you should give me ten yuan.


) brown is reading in the park.

) brown sees a twenty-yuan note.

) policeman comes up to him.

) sign on the grass means “keep off the grass”


一 根据单词首字母和句子意思,将对话中的单词补充完整。1.the king was f because hes wearing no clothes.2.there were a lot of p in the street.3.on christmas day,he g a wonderful p...


牛津小学英语6a第一单元第一课时教学设计。本单元主要围绕 公共标志 这个话题开展各项活动,所涉及到的日常交际项目有介绍 询问 忠告和建议等,其中,以 询问公共标志含义 及其应答为重点内容。学生们在日常生活中对 公共标志 并不陌生,但作为一个话题谈论是会有一定困难的。为了使学生更好地掌握本单元的学习内...


年龄。一直,总是。住宅区。家庭。遇见。成员。从不。仅,只 正确的。有时 比。睡觉的时间。通常,大抵 年轻的,幼小的。数字,号码。放学 后。厘米。骑车。穿着打扮。互相。重的。高度。怎么样。恰好,正好。千克。同 一样。幼犬。分享。溜冰。一起。在周末。重量。范围,区域。渡船。到达。大声地。亲爱的。博物馆。...