4AUnit1 3单元练习

发布 2022-07-07 20:20:28 阅读 1369

牛津小学英语4a unit 1-unit3综合练习卷。


一。判断下列每组单词的划线部分字母读音是否一致,相同的打s,不同的打d. (5分。

1. bird book2. dog desk

3. cat cap4. panda shop

5 .clock nice


1 ( p __da a. en b. an c. ean

2cr__ on a. oy b. ey c. ay

3ter bottle a. wh b. wa c. wha

4umb___la a. rel b. erl c re

5te a .ci b. ca c. ki

三。英汉互译 . 10分)



5.他的尺6. a nice bear

here9. how lovely10. in which box

四.判断两组句子意思是否相同,相同的打t ,不相同的打f。 (5% )

) 1. a. can i h**e a look ?

b. may i h**e a look2. a.

.here’s a toy train for you . b.

this toy train is for you .

3. a is this your bear ? b. this is your bear .

4. a. not at all . b. you are welcome .

5. a. my storybook is on the bed . b. –where’s my storybookit’s on the bed.


1. this pen is for you

a. all right b. thank you c. here you are

2. is thatcoat ?

a. he b.

3this your pencil

a. c is

4. what’s thisa rabbit .

a. yes b. it’sc. this is

5. that is a monkey , i think. –yes, _

a. it isn’t b. it is c. i can.

6. may i h**e your pencil

a. sure , here you are . b. right . c. that’s right.

( )7. is this my toy bear ? yes, it’sbear.

a. you b. your c. my

8what’s this in english?

a. sorry b. yes c. excuse me

9. do you like your kite

a. yes, i do. b. no, i am. c. yes, i can.

10. this iscopybook.

a. ming mings’ b. cats c. miss xu’s

六.连词成句,注意句首字母需大写,句末加标点。 (5%)

1 this is for mr green card (.

2. this your water bottle is (?

3. that what the on is desk (?

4. in she’s the classroom think i (.

5. storybook is my where

七。句子匹配, 画直线。 (5分。

a nice camerait’s a camera

that on the fridgethank you

your like pandasyes , it is

a nice monkeyall right .

sharpener is for liu taoyes, i do.

八.用单词填空,每词只用一次。 (5%)

( my your his his her )

1. a: what a nice new watch ! is it __watch ?

b: no, it’s notwatch . it’s d**id ‘s , i think .

a; no, it’s not __watchwatch is orange .this watch is blue .

2. helen is an english girlbrother is mike


我的橡皮在**? 1.a:where’s my rubber ?

b:这是你的橡皮吗? bthis your___

a:不是,它是迈克的。 a:noit’s mike’s.

b:也许你的橡皮在桌子里。 b:perhaps __rubber is in the desk.

2. a: 这是我的故事书。 2. a:this is my storybook..

b: 我能看一看吗? bi __a look ?

a: 当然。给你。你喜欢它吗? ahere you are.

do you like it? b: 是的b:yes, i

a: 什么颜色? acolour is it?

b: 绿色。 b:it’s green.

4 13诗歌练习

回归文本读懂诗歌 练习。春怨 刘方平。纱窗日落渐黄昏,金屋无人见泪痕。寂寞空庭春欲晚,梨花满地不开门。1 这首诗刻画了一位怎样的主人公形象?4分 同温丹徒登万岁楼 皇甫冉。高楼独立思依依,极浦遥山合翠微。江客不堪频北顾,塞鸿何事复南飞。丹阳古渡寒烟积,瓜步空洲远树稀。闻道王师犹转战,谁能谈笑解重围。...

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