高一英语1 3复习

发布 2022-07-05 19:40:28 阅读 6504



module 1】

1. our以前的)teacher was kind to us.

2. reading理解)ability is important in english study.

3. the girl used to be尴尬的)in public places, but now she is used to ****** a speech.

4. he simplified the __说明)so that the children could understand them.

5. we’re now living in the age of i

6. the famous film star was followed by the efans.

module 2】

1. young people are always精力充沛的)and full of life.

2. the building was cdestroyed by the big fire.

3. i’ll ait if you can give us an answer immediately.

4. his trip to india made a strong ion him.

module 3】

1. employees are tto deal with emergency situations.

2. we are going on a jto a strange country next month.

3. he had been sin the back while trying to escape.

4. tests should be administered by medical e

5. a shark can smell blood at a dof half a kilometer.


module 1】

1. 不管你去不去,对我都没有影响。itto me whether you go or not.

2. 他给我们下指令让我们尽快完成任务。hethe task as soon as possible.

3. 我的妹妹脾气很坏,她经常同邻居吵架。

my sister has a bad temper, and she oftenwith her neighbors.

4. 我明天有些急事需要处理。i h**e some urgent business to

5. 让我们把蛋糕分成两半。let’sthe cake

module 2】

1. 他们终于开始讨论一些主要问题了。they finallya discussion of the main issues.

2. 作为清教徒,他的道德和宗教观念都很严格。

as a puritan, hemoral and religion.

3. 他很刻苦,他妹妹也如此。

module 3】

1. 我要开车去市中心见一位老朋友。i willto meet an old friend of mine.

2. 知道我指的是谁。you know who i'm

3. 我们都知道,it是information technology的缩写。

as we all know, itinformation technology.

4. 你能给我展示一下如何使用这台机器吗?

will you show methis machine?


module 2】

my firstof mrs. li was that she was nervous and shy. but she is kind andand****** us feel stupid.

i feel i am going towith her. mrs. chen is veryandbut her teaching is so welland clear, so most of usher.

my work is improving. i think i willthe exam with her teaching me. mr.

wu has only beenus chinesefor two weeks and he’s alreadyhehis hands a lot when he getsand he is reallyihim a lot.


module 1】


1.(2006,全国ii卷,20题)as you can see, the number of cars on our roads __rising these days.

a. was keeping b. keep c. keeps d. were keeping

2.(2006,浙江,6题)this machineit hasn’t worked for years.

a. didn’t work b. wasn’t working c. doesn’t work d. isn’t working


1.(2006,全国卷,32题and happy, tony stood up and accepted the prize.

a. surprising b. surprised c. being surprised d. to be surprising

2.(2003,北京春季,35题)mr. smithof thespeech, started to read a novel.

a. tired; boring b. tiring; bored c. tired; bored d. tiring; boring

3. “if”, he addedenough time, i would certainly h**e done it better.”

a. to giveb. givingc. givend. to be given

4. the highwayto the city is under repair now.

a. leads b. led c. to lead d. leading

module 2】动名词。

1.(03,上海春季高考the meeting himself g**e them a great deal of encouragement.

a. the president will attend b. the president to attend

c. the president attendedd. the president’s attending

2. -there is a story here in the ***** about a 110-year-old man.

-- my goodness! i can’t imaginethat old.

a. to be b. to h**e been c. being d. h**ing been

module 3】一般过去时。

1.--i’m sorry, but there is no smoking on this flight. -oh, i __that. sorry, i won’t again.

a.don’t know b. didn’t know c. won’t know d. h**en’t known

2. -may i remind you that a mr. wang is waiting outside, sir?

--oh, that’s right. i about it.

a.forget b.had forgotten c.forgot d.h**e forgotten

3. -such a mistake could h**e been **oided.

--unfortunately, he __the mistake again and again.

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