英语1 1 行考作业答案

发布 2022-06-26 04:16:28 阅读 4127

作业11-5aabba 6-10bacbc 11-15bbccc 16-20babba 21-25bacca

he a manager?

she usually go to work by bus?

there fifty students in the class?

they h**e a large house?

he currently working on tv advertisements?

31-35baabb 36-40bbbac






作业2 1-5 abbaa 6-10bcbac 11-15 caaaa 16-20babaa 21-25 acabc

can't smoke in the bedrooms.

doesn't usually snow in winter in ireland.

t put them on the desk.

hasn't got brown w**y hair.

don't need to buy any apples.

31-35 baaab 36-40 caabb







1. parents photos buses lives halves children women teeth

2. 注意频度副词在句子中有不同的位置。

1) 在动词to be之后:

i’m often ill on planes.

2) 在实意动词之前:

i sometimes go to london.

3) 在含有助动词的句子中,置于助动词之后,实意动词之前:

he doesn’t always work on tuesday.

3. 1)表示此刻正在发生的事情或正在进行的动作,用现在进行时:

i am waiting for an important call from my boss in shanghai.


li jun is working on a new database at the moment, but right now she is sleeping.

4. hello, i am lin xiao yan. i am 28 years old.

i am chinese. i live in shanghai. i am an information technology manager.

i work for the abhk bank in shanghai. (名字、年龄、居住地要根据自己的实际情况作以修改)


1. 提出请求。

could you + do sth? 常用于表达请求。

could you spell it, pleaseyes, of course. /no, sorry i can’t.

2. 表达提议would you like…句型有三种结构。

would you like + 名词?

would you like a news*****yes, i would, thanks. /no, thank you. i h**e one at the office.

would you like + to + 动词?

would you like to h**e a coffee? yes, please. /no, thanks.

would you like + 代词+ to +动词?

would you like me to phone tim?

3. 提议还可以用what以开头的疑问句表达。

what would you like to drinki’d like a gin and tonic, please.

what would you like, pollyi’d like a glass of wine, thank you.

4. 主动提出自己做某事。

常用的句式为i’ll(i will)+原形动词,i’ll buy the drinks.

5. 提出建议可以用下列几个句型。

what about + v-ing?

what about seeing this flatwell, i don’t know

how about + v-ing?

how about going to an estate agent? yes, that’s a good idea.

why don’t you + verb?

why don’t you go to an estate agent?

6. shall i + 动词原形。

shall i help you?

7. 请求他人做某事的句型。

could + 主语 + 动词?

could you buy some wine?

can + 主语 + 动词?

can you get some mineral water, please?

i + would + like + 宾语 + 动词不定式。

i’d ( i would ) like you to get some prawns.

2. (仅供参考)

hello, i am mary. i am tall and i h**e got long, golden w**y hair with blue eyes. i am very nice and kind.

i am quite outgoing and talkative – very friendly. i love london. i like the cafés and the concerts in the parks.

i hate shopping and spending money! i love sitting in cafés and reading news*****s. i like reading english news*****s.

i prefer watching television. i love surfing the internet for information. i am interested in visiting other countries.

i am good at french. i am keen on learning languages.(名字等要根据自己的实际情况作以修改)





1. parents photos buses lives halves children women teeth

2. 注意频度副词在句子中有不同的位置。

1) 在动词to be之后:

i’m often ill on planes.

2) 在实意动词之前:

i sometimes go to london.

3) 在含有助动词的句子中,置于助动词之后,实意动词之前:

he doesn’t always work on tuesday.

3. 1)表示此刻正在发生的事情或正在进行的动作,用现在进行时:

i am waiting for an important call from my boss in shanghai.


li jun is working on a new database at the moment, but right now she is sleeping.

4. hello, i am lin xiao yan. i am 28 years old.

i am chinese. i live in shanghai. i am an information technology manager.

i work for the abhk bank in shanghai.



1- 5 aabba


6-10baccc 11-15bbccc16-20babba21-25bacca


26. is he a manager?

27. does she usually go to work by bus?

28. are there fifty students in the class?

29. do they h**e a large house?

30. is he currently working on tv advertisements?


31-35. baaab 36-40. bbbac

41. 会议室在一楼。

42. 他正在同顾客讲话。


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