前程小学五年级英语竞赛试题 决赛卷

发布 2022-05-20 00:41:28 阅读 4979




反义词2. united states of america(缩写形式。







like fkites very much.

mother is wtv.

aunt h___curly hair.

lst is nday of prc.

and i a___eating noodles.

are twowoman).

manycountry) are there in the world?

i invite __he) to go on a trip?

uncle is __old) than his sister.

10i) f**ourite clothes is sweater.

b) 看图,根据已给出的首字母补全单词,完成句子(注意单复数)。


) her hair. it’s black.

a. in b. at c. of d. for

)2. i like to play checkers my grandfather.

a. with b. and c. to d. on

) points on a map.

a. here b. up c. there d. down

)4.—what colour is china’s flag?

blue. b. it’s yellow. c. it’s red. orange.

)5. kangaroos live in

b. australia d. the u. k.

)6. australia isof china.

a. east b. west c. south and east d. north

)7. beijing is far our city.

a. far b. from c. to d. of

) do you beijing?

a. arrive b. arrive in c. get d. come

)9.—does he need

—yes.a. a pair shoeb. a pair of shoe

c. a pair of shoes d. a pair shoes

)10. i like this sweater. i don’t like

a. this sweater b. that sweater c. sweater

)11is the cat?

it’s in the room.

a. what b. where c. whose d. who

)12is the cat?

it’s 20 yuan.

a. how many b. what’s c. how much d. how

) a red apple. she a yellow banana.

a. h**e,has b. has,h**e c. h**e,h**e d. has,has

)14. is li mei, and is liu bing. they are my good friend.

a. this,that b. that,this c. this,this d. that,that

)15. look! jenny with li ming.

a. talk b. talking c. is talking d. to talk


j---john d---d**id

j: hello.

d: hello. this is d**id. may i __1___to uncle john, please?

j: _2___

d: hi, uncle john. how are you?

j: _3___thanks. and you?

d: i’m fine, _4___thank you, uncle john, there’s __5___wrong with my computer. can you __6___mea hand?

j: sure, what’s wrong?

d: i don’t __7___could you come and help me __8___it?

j: certainly, but not today. _9___about friday evening?

d: ok. _10___a lot. see you then.


) am buy tickets with my friend

a b c ) danny like to play checkers

a b c

) president of the live in the white house

abc ) wants go on a trip to shanghai

a b c ) has many beautiful beachs

a bc七、阅读短文,判断句子是否正确,符合写“√”否则写“×”10分)

many parts of the word h**e four seasons .they are spring, summer, autumn and winter.

spring follows winter. it becomes warmer and days become longer . plants begin to grow and many animals h**e babies .

前程小学四年级英语能力测试卷 决赛卷

学校班级姓名得分 一 词趣俱乐部 共15分 a 按要求完成下列各题。1.tall反义词2.one序数词 排成新词 4.house换个字母变成动物名 换一个字母变成新单词 b 根据所给句子及首字母提示完成下列单词。6.you can use my umbrella.here you a very k ...


1 选出适当字母把单词补充完整,把答案序号写在题前括号内。共5分 1.l fe 生活 a.a b.i c.o 2.sh w 演出 a.a b.i c.o 3.ph to a.a b.i c.o 4.r dio 卡片 a.a b.i c.u 5.f nny 滑稽的 a.a b.i c.u 二。按要求写...


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