
发布 2023-04-18 17:16:28 阅读 7557




)1. _n_ugh(足够的)

a e;a b e;o c i;o

)2. bl_nd(盲的)

a a b i c e

)3. c_t_h(抓住)

a a;c b a;s c e;c

)4. h_ _r(小时)

a au b ou c ao

)5. m_tt_r(麻烦事)

a e;o b a;e c a;o

)6. _rgu_(争吵)

a a;e b o;e c u;i

)7. f_ _l(干净的)

a ea b ee c ei

)8. f_n_sh(吃完)

a i;a b a;i c i;i

)9. n_ _d(需要)

a ee b ea c eu

)10. sk_p(跳绳)

a i b e c u


)1. hurry upa 伦敦眼。

)2. shopping listb 在周末。

)3. the london eyec 分发。

)4. give outd 控球。

)5. get upe 在7:30

)6. at the weekendf 在班上。

)7. in classg 踢球踢得好。

)8. control the ballh 起床

)9. at half past seveni 购物单。

)10. play football wellj 匆忙


1. badly(反义词2. skip(现在分词)__

3. play(第三人称单数形式4. sing(现在分词)__

5. can(否定形式6. start(第三人称单数形式)__

7. run(过去式8. go(过去式)__

9. ring(过去式10. pencil(复数形式)__


)1cheese do you want?

a how much b how many c how

)2does school start?

-at eight o’clock.

a what time b what c where

)3. –would you like to come to school with us?

a yes, i would. b yes, i do. c yes, please.

)4. let’s hurry __the bus is waiting___us.

a up; for b up; at c in; for

)5. let’s __my skipping rope.

a to take b taking c take

)6. i can jump___

a fast b high c tall

)7. i can play basketball very___

a good b well c better

)8. dogs are __

a use b be useful c useful

)9. my sister___her bag yesterday.

a loses b losing c lost

)10. he’s___teacher. his name is___

a daming’s;li yang b daming; li yang’s c daming; li yang


)1. 这个杯子是谁的,应该问:

a. is this your cup?

b. whose cup is this?

)2. 当你听到外面有人争吵时,你会说:

a. what’s the matter?

b. what’s this?

)3. 当别人询问你“where did you go?” 时,你应该怎样回答:

a. i went to the park.

b. i saw lots of places.

)4. 她很擅长打篮球,应该说:

a. she likes basketball.

b. she is good at basketball.

)5. 你会控球吗?用英语怎样表达:

a. can you catch the ball?

b. can you control the ball?

)6. 你想知道树下那群孩子正在做什么,应该问:

a. what did the children do under the tree?

b. what are the children doing under the tree?

)7. “这是他的书包”可以表达为:

a. this is his bag.

b. this is her bag.

)8. 你想知道是谁拿走了你的毛衣,应该问:

a. who took my sweater?

b. whose sweater is this?

)9. 班上有25个孩子。用英语该怎么说:

a. there are twenty children in the class.

b. there are twenty-five children in the class.

( )10. 当别人问你从**来,应该怎么说:

a. where are you from?

b. where do you from?


an old man has a cat. the cat is very old now. it can not run fast and it can not bite (咬).

when the old cat sees a mouse, it catches the mouse. but the mouse still runs away. then the old man is very angry.

he begins to beat (敲,打) the cat. the cat says to him,“don’t beat me. please be kind to me.

when i was young, i g**e you lots of help.”


)1. the old cat can not run fast and can not bite.

)2. the old man likes the cat.

)3. the old man is very angry.

)4. the cat is young and smart.

)5. an old man has a cat and he doesn’t like it.


班级姓名得分。一 填空 18分,每空2分 1 表示把单位 1 平均分成 份,取这样的 份。它的分数单位是 再添 个这样的分数单位就是最小的质数。2 把3米长的绳子平均分成8段,每段长 米,每段长是全的 3 分母是12的所有最简真分数的和是 4 如果a b 8,且 a b都不为0的自然数 它们的最大公...


2007 2008学年第二学期五年级信息技术期末测查。班级姓名 各位同学你们好,在经过了一个学期的学习之后,在信息技术方面你一定有很多收获吧!你一定急着想把你的喜悦告诉大家吧!好!现在,就让我们一起来分享你的收获 命题。一 汉字录入 高手 竞赛 30 运用文字录入考核的软件检验自己的打字速度,看看谁...


时间 90分钟满分 100分。一 基础练习 40分 1.看拼音写词语。2.把下列词语补充完整。前 后继一如 往鞠躬尽 放 无礼。声屏气应接不尔一笑花团锦 赴汤 火完 归赵 紫嫣红百折不 3.关心身边事 最近,各种短 特别流行,尤其是抖音和快手,就连小学生也迷恋其中不能自拔。教育部已经下文,要求家庭 ...