
发布 2023-04-18 08:31:28 阅读 3900




1. long short 1) in the morning, the shadow of the building (建筑物) is

2) in the afternoon, the shadow of the building is

2. glass glasses 1) drink a __of water. 2) our teacher wears a pair of __

3. some any 1) i’ve gotbiscuits. 2) h**e you gotbiscuits?

4. your yours 1) these felt pens are2) these are __felt pens.

5. don’t doesn’t 1) danny, _eat bananas here. 2) danny __like bananas.


) 6. she likes playing computer games at home.

) 7. the ball is in front of the bookcase.

) 8. everyday he walks to school.

) 9. she is cooking in the kitchen.

) 10. he gets up at half past six.

a bcde


. 单项选择10%

) 16. –i feel and touchmy hands.

a. inb. atc. with

) 17is the purple bird?

it’s on the branch.

a. whereb. whatc. which

) 18. –mum, can itelevision?

no, you can’t. you should do your homework first.

a. watchesb. watchc. watching

) 19. -there are two puppets. which puppet do you like?

i like both

a. puppetsb. a puppetc. puppet

) 20. every morning, andyhis parrot how to say.

a. is teachingb. teaches c. teach

) 21. –feel the dog, it’s soft and

a. hardb. shinyc. fluffy

) 22. don’t open the window. it’s

a. raining b. rainc. rains

) 23. -thank you for your help

a. no. b. you’re welcome. c. that’s all right.

) 24. i want somefor my supper.

a. a bottle of milk b. cake c. sandwiches

) 25. –when’s your birthday?

my birthday’s on theof

a. january, eleventh b. eleventh , january c. eleven, january

. 词汇 5%


26. spring is myseason.

27. there is ablock in our school.

28. wow! i can put an egg on your

29. there is a little boymy flat.

30. i don’t like thisit’s too loud.

. 补全对话 5%


-- he’s my student, tim.

- the yellow one.

33. -excuse me. where is country park?

the country park is on the left.

-- i want some ice-creams and two bottles of orange juice.

35. –dad

-- they eat corn.

. 阅读理解 20%


一 翻译词组。45 1.在学校2.第一天the 3.许多的房间4.忙碌的一天 a 5.一些孩子们6.一间大卧室 a 7.居住在一座新房子里 in a 8.向左向右转and 9.在门背后the10.在书桌下 the 11.在一堂英语课上。12.唱歌跳舞and 13.他的家庭。14.重感冒 a15.他的...


牛津英语五年级 5a 第一单元知识要点测试。班级 姓名 单词。1 第一天2 房子3 一 天 4 又 再5 一些6 建筑物 7 花8 花园9 厕所 10 秋千11 滑梯12 回 原处 13 学期14 阅览室15 乒乓球 二词组。1 在学校2 彼此,互相。3 所有的学生4 许多房间。5 许多花6 许多学...


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