前程小学四年级英语能力测试卷 决赛卷

发布 2023-02-03 09:20:28 阅读 9391



a) 按要求完成下列各题。

1. tall反义词2. one序数词)

排成新词) 4. house换个字母变成动物名)


b) 根据所给句子及首字母提示完成下列单词。

6. you can use my umbrella. here you a

very k___of you.

8. the sun is shining in the s

9. it’s cloudy. it’s going to r

10. the classroom is very dirty. -who’s on duty t___


二。 句子(sentences) (共10 小题,计20分)

a) 从a,b,c,d四个选项中选择最佳的一项完成下列句子。

)11. what’sthe picture?

a. inb. off c. at d. up

)12. the box is too he**y. please lethelp you.

a. i b. my c. me d. mine

)13. who’s that boy

a. in green b. in the green c. in a green d. with green

)14. look!andy isa kite on the playground.

a. fly b. flies c. flying d. to fly

)15fine the weather is!

a. how b. what c. it’s d. its

) time is it in __

a. new yorkb. zhaqi c. beijing

) are__members in my family. they are my dad, my mom and___

a. 2;me b.3;you c. 3;i

)18. don’t __the window.

)19. there is a door and two windows___the wall.

a. in b. onc. at

) my uncles. they’re __

a. pearsb. boys c. workers

三。 情景会话(共10小题,计20分)根据所给的情景,选择合适的句子。

) 1. thank you very much

a. you are welcome b. good idea. c. that’s ok.

)2. nice to meet you

a. nice to meet you ,too. b. how do you do? c. hello!

)3. where are my shoes

a. in the shelf. b. in the bed. c. under the bed.

)4.--can i h**e some water

a. yes, you can. b. sorry, i can’t. c. sure, here you are.

)5they are thirty yuan.

a. how many apples are these? b. how much are these apples?

c. how about are these apples?


a. oh! let’s run. b. i’m ready!

) 7.当你想尝试去做某件事时,你应该这样说:

a. can i h**e a try? b. but what for?

)8. 你上学的时间到了,妈妈会说:

it’s time to go to school. b. oops. let’s go to school.

( )9. 当我找不到我的衣服时,应该问:

is this? b. where is my jacket?

( )10. 当有人到学校参观,你帮别人引路时你应该说:

way, please. b. just a minute.

四、连词成句。( 8分 )

1 picture what you do see the in (?many can how see you (?

3 like don’t onions i4 blue this shirt too long is (.

五、把你认为错误的序号写在题前括号内。并在横线上改正。( 15分 )

) 1 、 it’s three twenty o’clock

ab c ) 2 、 it look like a fish

a b c

) 3 、 is this you t-shirt

a b c

)4 、 are these pigs ? no, they are

a bc ) 5 、 let’s go and h**e look

a bc 六、阅读短文, 判断对 ( t )错( f ) 12分)

miss lin is a new teacher. she is thin. she likes pears very much.

she has some good friends: nancy, mike, lily and wang dong. they’re her students.

nancy has blue eyes and yellow hair( 头发).mike is tall and thin. lily likes oranges, miss lin likes oranges, too.

and wang dong is a chinese boy, he likes watermelons. they are good friends.

)1、miss lin likes lemons. (2、wang dong is an english student.

)3、miss lin is a new student. she is thin.

)4、lily likes oranges, too.

)5、mike has blue eyes and yellow hair. (6、nancy is tall and thin.


) 1. what letter is a question?

a. xb.

( )2. i know that from a to z. (本句中画线部分的汉语意思)

a.从头到尾。 b.字母表 c.距离很远。

( )3. what dog never barks(吠叫)?

a. big dog b. fat dog c. hot dog

) number will be the next? 1, 2, 5, 10, 17,__


) read = card, what is blue + ear写单词)。

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