小学英语五年级上册试卷056 已整理

发布 2022-05-15 16:39:28 阅读 3709

1. -who’s that girlmy sister.

五年级上册英语期中测试卷a. she’sb. he’sc. it’s

2. -do you like flowers

一、finish the words.(填入所缺字母,完成单词10分)a.yes, i don’ yes, i no, i can’t.①高的t _ ll②滑稽可笑的f _ nny③亲切的k _ nd④3.

-is there a washroom in the building? -no, _年老的o_d⑤矮的sh__t⑥严厉的s__icta. there isn’tb.

there aren’tc. there isn’t⑦聪明的sm _ t4. look at the book __the floor.

⑧活泼的a _ t _ ve⑨星期二t _ esday .⑩星期五f _ idaya. onb.

underc. in二、找出不同类的单词。(10分)()1、 2、 3、 4、 5、三、找出划线部分发音不同的单词。

(10分)()1、 2、 3、 4、 5、四.英汉词语找朋友(10分)()studenta.汤圆()2watchtvb不得不() foodc看书() tod大学生() 5. social atudiese社会课() 6.

so muchf最喜欢的食物() 7. do houseworkg母亲节() 8. mother’sdayh看电视() 9.

read booksi很,非常() 10. sweet dumplingsj做家务。

五、选择正确的答案。(20分)5. here __a map of the world for areb.

aren’tc. is6. -can you make the beda.yes, i no, i can’ no, i can.

7. what do you h**e __mondays?a.

onb. forc. to8.

is he stricthe nob. yesc. yes9.

potatoes___my f**ourite areb. isc. am10.

i like mutton. but i do __like don’tb. doc.

not11. is he tall?__he’s yes, he no, he isn’ no, he is.

12. what __you like for dinner?a.

dob. h**ec. would13.

the grapes___areb. isc. /14.

i like pork.__it’sb. they’rec.

it.15’ i like the beef, but i’m too he**y now. i __eat vegetable..

a. willb. wouldc.

h**e to16. do you like milk? yes, i___a .

don’tb. amc. do17.

what __he like?a. isb.

amc. are18. we h**e __english ab.

anc. the


19. she’s __university ab. anc. the

20. i __a new math teacher. she’s mrs h**eb. hasc. am







would you like for lunch?a. i like apples.

2. what do you h**e on thursdays?b.

i h**e english and music.3. what’s your f**ourite fruit?

c. she is young and pretty.4.

what’s your english teacher like? what day is it tomorrow?e.

i’d like beef.


hi,i’m d**id. i’m from willon school. today istuesday.

we h**e math,chineseand computer on tuesdays. i like computer. my computer teacher is very funny,he isvery strong.

i like him.

on saturdays. of course, i do my homework too on saturdays. what aboutyou?

) 1. what day is it today?

a. tuesdayb. wednesdayc.

fridayd. saturday() 2. what do they h**e for lunch on wednesdays?

a. pork and tofu and eggplant and mutton and tomatoes.()3.

what is d**id’s computer teacher like?

is tall and he’s very funny. he is he is so he is active.()4.

does d**id like his computer teacher?a. yes, he yes, he like.

c. no, he doesn’ no, he doesn’t like.()5. what does d**id do on saturday?

often plays football ande does often plays computer games.

often watches tv and play often sings.








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