
发布 2022-05-15 16:35:28 阅读 3478


1. silly violin ( 2. band rack ( 3.

dear disappear ( 4. put look ( 5. thousand house ( 6.

begins takes (


1. the sun gives offand light.

ugly ducking __a swan just now. she’s beautiful now.

is sue’s birthday. it’s four o’clock in the afternoon and her___are到达)her house.

3. oh! it is cold. the windhard.

4. our school library is big. there are many __of books in it.

the science books, the history books, the magazines…and so on.

5. when the sun __it’s a sunny day. we feel __we can play in the playground.

6. zhou jielun is a pop singer. he issinging.

7. there aren’t足够的小提琴)for everyone. please go and get some from the next room.

8. we喜爱写作)。


1.( i want to beastronaut.

a. a b. an c. /

2your friends like soccer? yes.

a. does b. do c. are

3.( my parentsin the park.

a. likes to walk b. like to walk c. likes walking

4.( tom has gotdiscs.

a. a little b. a lot c. lots of

5.( my father will __memy chinese.

a. helps…with b. help…on c. help…with

6.( tom, will you go to the zoo with me tomorrow?__

a. yes, i do. b. all right. c. yes, we will.

7.( the children are playing “musical chairs”。 there are

a. more children than chairs

b. more chairs than children

c. no chair for children

8.( tim, you must __in time.

a. going to school.

b. goes to school.

c. go to school

9. (the changing weather has something to do __the sun.

a. on b. in c. with

10.( the yellow ball is fifty yuan. the white ball is forty yuan. i’ll ta

ake the white ball. it’s

a. cheap b. cheaper c. easier

11.( tomthe game. he was sad.

a. out of b. is out of c. was out of

12.( beckham is a famous football

a. player b. dancer c. singer

13. (the artistsabout the picture now.

a. talking b. is talking c. are talking

14. (wethis photo three yeas ago.

a. take b. took c. takes

15.( peter, stopwe can’tto the tape carefully.

a. talk…listen b. talking…listening c. talking…listen


1. do you h**e a sports meet every term?

2. is it cloudy today?

3. how many english classes do you h**e every week?

4. what will you do this week?

5. when is your birthday?

did you go the day before yesterday?


1. we are going to visit shanghai tomorrow.(改成一般疑问句)

2. my home is near our school. (改成否定句,但保持意思相近)

h**e a dream of being an english teacher. (写一句意思相近的句子)

4. we do our social studies in the munity. (用where提问)

5. our morning classes begin at 8:30. (对划线部分提问)

6. the school band is wonderful. (改成一句感叹句)

7. tom is going to mop the floor tomorrow. (将tomorrow改成now 其他部分作相应变化)

八. 阅读短文做判断,与短文内容一致的写“t”,不一致的写“f”。

1 plus 1 is 1?

one day a rich man met sam on the road. the rich man asked sam. “i hear you are very clever and nothing is difficult to you.

can you tell me why you are so clever?” sam answered with a smile, “oh , i am not clever, instead(反而), you are very silly.” the rich man was very angry.

sam said, “please don’t be angry. let me ask you a question. i f you h**e a group of sheep, and i give you another group of sheep.

then how many groups of sheep do you h**e?” the rich man answered”“ oh! that’s very easy.

i h**e two groups of sheep.” sam smiled and said, “you’re wrong, sir. two groups of sheep put together is still one group.

that’s easy.”

( )1. the rich man met sam beside the road.

( )2. the rich man isn’t clever.

( )3. sam asked the rich man some difficult questions.

( )4. the rich man’s answer was right.

( )5. two groups of sheep put together is still one group.


in many english homes people eat four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner.

people h**e breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. they eat porridge, eggs, or bread. english people drink tea and coffee at breakfast.

lunch es at nine o’clock. tea time is from four to five in the afternoon. dinner is at about half past seven.

first they h**e soup, then they h**e meat and fish with vegetables. after that they eat some other things, like bananas, apples, or oranges. but not all english people eat like that.

some of them h**e their dinner in the middle of the day. their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and supper and all these meals are very ******.

( )1. how many meals do english people h**e every day?

a. two. b. three. c. four

( )2. english people h**efor breakfast.

a. tea and eggs

b. porridge, eggs, bread, tea and coffee

c. bread and eggs

( )3. when do they h**e lunch?

a. at any time.

b. at nine in the morning.

c. at two in the afternoon.

( )4. they don’t eatfor dinner.

a. porridge

b. bananas and apples

c. soup and meat

( )5. what do they eat first for dinner?

a. fruit b. milk c. soup

三.请你以“our school life”为题写一段话,不少于五句,可以采用对话的形式。


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