
发布 2022-05-15 15:57:28 阅读 1272





)1、a. best b. west c. better

)2、a. plane b. train c. play

)3、a. clouds b. sounds c. grounds

)4、a. red b. read c. eat

)5、a. glad b. happy c. sad

)6、a. swimming b. swing c. singing

)7、a. later b. e-mail c. letter

)8、a. 12 b.20c.13

)9、a. path b. forest c. forty

)10、a. take b. takes c .took



1. i likethey’re .

2you know that ? easy , i it up on the internet.

3. i a cold yesterday.

4. i’m 160cm .

5. it good, thank you .

6. i go to school


) was busy last night.

) visited her grandma on saturday morning.

) cooked the meals together.

) played basketball on sunday morning.

) watched tv on sunday afternoon.




) a. ro c. or

) b. en c. ea

) a. ny b. ng

) b. ane

) minton b. ed c. id





过去式9. amy(名词所有格)



) b. eraser c. shorter d. book

) b. talked c. washed d. cooked

) b. swimming c. swing d. writing

) b. fever c. smaller d. younger

) b. buses c. cows d. foot


a. she is reading a book . b .

yes ,i want a pair of shoes . c. thank youd.

she is going to play the violin . e. i saw many beautiful flowers .

) your mother doing ?

b ) did you see in the park ?

b ) i help you?

b ) school is beautiful .

b )5. a:what is sarah going to do this weekend ?


) the matter you ?

a. from b. with c. for d. at

) birthday is july 1st.

a. on b. under c . at d. in

) like in the lake in summer.

a. swimming b. swiming c. swim d. swims

) do you usually go to school ? i usually go to school .

a. walk b. on foot c. by foot d. on a foot

) sad .i failed my math test

a. sorry . b. excuse me .c. you are bad . d. i’m sorry to hear that .

) you sweep the floor

a. yes ,i can .b. yes , i can’t .c. yes , you can .d. no, i can .

) size are your shoes ?

a. i’m 160cm .b. i wear i’m 45kg. d .i’m older than you.

) you all for .

a. comes b. come c. coming d. came

)9did you go last summer holiday ? i went to beijing.

a. where b. how c. what d. why

) can’t see apples. but i can see oranges.

a. some ,some b. any, any c. some , any d. any, some



a. hello! b. how are you ? c. how do you do ?


a. can i help youb. can you help me ?


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