
发布 2022-05-15 23:34:28 阅读 4259



一。 听辩字母,勾出每题中你所听到的字母,每个字母读两遍。(每小题2分,共10分)

1. i y k 2. s f h 3. b p v 4. g j z 5. w q r

二。 听辩单词,选择正确的单词将句子补充完整,每小题读两遍。(每小题2分,共10分)

)1. this is my red

a. pencilb. rulerc. bag

)2. mike, h**e someplease.

a. cakeb. milkc. water

) am from

a. chinab. canadac. america

)4. yangpu istoday.

a. sunnyb. windyc. cloudy

) am going to see my grandparents this

a. eveningb. afternoonc. morning


) 1. a. look! i h**e a dogb. look! she has a duck

) 2. a. when do you get up, johnb. when do you eat dinner, john

) 3 .a. mike is going to see a filmb. sarah is going to do homework.

) 4. a. is your birthday in juneb. is her birthday in july?

) 5. a. my book is on the deskb. his ball is under the desk.

四。听下面五段小对话,判断你所听到的内容是否与**内容一致,一致的写(t),不一致的写 (f).每段对话听两遍(每题2分,共10分)

) 1. when do you go to school, amy

) 2. is this a house

) 3. who is your best friend

) 4 .what’s the weather like today

) 5. what would you like for lunch


一。 按顺序在横线上写出所缺字母的大小写。(每个字母1分,共5分)

ll mm __oo qq rr tt vv


)1. a. bigb. smallc. baby

)2. a. visitb. wherec. sleep

)3. a. mouthb. moonc. sun

)4. a. sundayb. mondayc. august

)5. a. redb. blackc. elephant


abcde ) 1. —which season do you like best? —spring.

) 2. —who is that man ? he is my teacher.

) 3. —do you like playing football? —yes, i do.

) 4. i am washing my clothes at home.

) 5. —how many pears can you see? —three.


) 1. this is __english book.

a. ib. myc. me

) 2. _is my f**ourite season.

a. saturdayb. fallc. white

) 3. -how many __do you h**e? -two.

a. applesb. applec. an apple

)4.--what are you doing now?--i __meals.

a. am cookingb. cookc. cooked

) 5.__do you go to school? -i go to school on foot.

a. whatb. howc. where

) 6. zhang peng is a __he works at school.

a. policemanb. teacherc. singer

) 7. -where did you go last night? -i __my friend.

a. visitb. visitedc. visiting

) 8. children’s day is june.

a. inb. atc. on

) 9are you? -i am 1.61 metres.

a. how manyb. how oldc. how tall-

)10.--what are you going to doi am going to see a film.

a. tomorrowb. yesterdayc. last weekend


) 1. nice to meet youa. no, i can’t.

) 2. what would you like for breakfastb. it’s tuesday.

) 3. can you water the flowersc. nice to meet you, too.

) 4. how old is your sisterd. i’d like some bread.

2023年苏教版小学毕业学业水平测试数学试卷 含答案

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