
发布 2022-02-01 12:46:28 阅读 1909


three goats》三只山羊 is mother’s day. 今天是母亲节。 goat likes to eat and play.

山羊宝宝喜欢吃和玩。 goat likes to sing and dance.山羊姐姐喜欢唱歌和跳舞。

goat likes to run and jump.山羊哥哥喜欢跑步和跳。5.

baby goat gives mummy an apple.山羊宝宝给妈妈一个苹果。6.

sister goat gives mummy some flowers. 山羊姐姐给妈妈一些花。7.

brother goat gives mummy some cool stones. 山羊哥哥给妈妈一些很酷的石头。 has three children.

山羊妈妈有三个孩子。 are five members in their family.在他们家有五名成员。

the juicy fruit tree》美味果子树。

zebra sees the tree first. 斑马首先看到了树。 tree is too smooth, too tall, too hard.

树太滑,太高,太硬。 fruit is juicy and sweet. 果子又多汁又甜。

ostrich (鸵鸟)has a long neck. 鸵鸟有一个长脖子。 elephant has a big body and a long nose.

大象有一个大身体和长鼻子。 the animals work together to get the fruit. 所有动物一起合作摘到了果子。

the story of tadpoles looking for mummy》小蝌蚪找妈妈。

tadpoles are looking for mummy in spring. 小蝌蚪在春天找妈妈。

frog (青蛙)has two big eyes, a white belly, a big mouth and four legs.


3. the duck tells the tadpoles their mother has two big eyes.


fish tells the tadpoles their mother has a white belly.


crab tells the tadpoles their mother has four legs .


turtle tells the tadpoles their mother has a big mouth.


i can run fast 》我能跑得快。

boy can run fast, but ellen can’t. 男孩能跑得快,但是艾伦不能。

boy can pick up the log, but jane can’t. 男孩能搬起木头,但简不能。

boy can jump high ,but now he is stuck in the tree.男孩能跳得高,但现在被卡在树上了。

boy can’t get down. his friends can help him. 男孩不能下来。

他的朋友们能帮助他。《 where is my tooth? 》我的牙齿在**?

1. the boy jerry likes playing. he can’t find his tooth .

小男孩杰瑞喜欢玩。 他找不到他的牙齿。

2. the tooth isn’t under the pillow . 牙齿不在枕头下。

3. the tooth isn’t under the bed . 牙齿不在床下。

4. the tooth isn’t under the chair . 牙齿不在椅子下。

5. the tooth isn’t under the bear . 牙齿不在玩具熊下。

6. there is a football near the bed. 在床旁边有一个足球。

7. the tooth is in the tooth fairy’s hands. 牙齿在牙仙的手里。

the fisherman and the fish 》渔夫和金鱼的故事。

1. the fisherman and his wife live in an old house.


2. the fisherman’s wife would like a new washtub first .


3. the fisherman’s wife would like a new house.


4. the fisherman’s wife would like to be a rich lady.


5. the fisherman’s wife would like to be a queen.


6. the fisherman’s wife would like to be the ruler of the sea.


7. the fisherman’s wife is greedy. she can get nothing.


8. the fisherman is kind.


9. the fisherman’s wife is bad .


10. this is a grateful fish.


11. finally,the fisherman and his wife live in their old house again.


how much does it weigh? 》它有多重?

1. the boy jimmy and the girl belle make a see-saw in the yard.


2. the car is as he**y as two bricks. 小汽车和两块砖一样重。

3. the truck is as he**y as five bricks. 小卡车和五块砖一样重。

4. the digger is as he**y as ten bricks. 小挖土机和十块砖一样重。

mr wolf’s dinner 》狼大叔的晚餐。

1. mr wolf likes cooking and eating. 狼大叔喜欢烹饪和吃。

2. mr wolf is hungry because there is nothing to eat. 狼大叔饿了因为没有东西吃。

3. one day, mr wolf sees a hen . 一天, 狼大叔看见了一只母鸡。

4. the hen is too thin and too small . 母鸡太廋了,太小了。

5. mr wolf cooks pies and cakes for the hen. 狼大叔为母鸡烧了馅饼和蛋糕。

6. at last,the hen is still thin . but her children are fat. 最后,母鸡仍然很瘦,但她的孩子很胖。


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