
发布 2022-01-23 20:05:28 阅读 1940


一、 分别写出下列字母的大小写形式。(10分)

d y p g k h a l f q


) 1.what are they?

a .they’re monkey. b .it’s a tiger. c. they’re lions.

) 2. look___the trees .

a. at b. of c. in

) 3. do you like monkey?

a. yes, i don’t. b. no, i don’t. c. here you are.

) 4. pass me the rice, please?

a. here you are. b. yes, i do. c. i like noodles.

) 5. tom likes __bikes.

a. rideb. riding c. rides

) 6.现在六点了 ,应该说:

half past six. six o’ clock c:it’s five.


the time , please ?


this on the desk? that on the desk?


you like meat,daming? daming like meat?


a. i like rice. b. pass me the rice please.


colour bike big sleep

apple milk lion fish


1. riding you are

3. morning exercises to school




) the timea. yes, he does.

) he like basketball? b. no, i don’t.

) you like applesc. it’s ten o’clock.

) your f**ourite song? d. they are lions.

) it fate. it’s the abc song.

) are theyf. no, it isn’t.


1. get upa .看电视。

2. go to schoolb.吃早饭

3. h**e breakfastc.骑自行车。

4. watch tvd.**睡觉。

5. riding bikese.上学。

6. go to bedf. 起床。

八、根据短文,用like ,likes ,don`t , doesn`t , does ,do ,填空:(20分)

hello ,my name is wanghong . i (喜欢)rice and meat. i不喜欢)noodles .

my sister`s name is wangying . she (喜欢)fish and noodles . she不喜欢)rice .

you (喜欢)rice? your sister/brother___喜欢)fish and noodles ?


2013学年第二学期三年级英语期中测试卷。一 分别写出下列字母的大小写形式。10分 d y p g k h a l f q 二 选出正确答案,把序号写在括号里。20分 1 what are they?a they re monkey.b it s a tiger.c.they re lions.2....


尊敬的各位领导 同志们 大家好!我叫赵民兴,回首2013年是我人生中所经历最重要的一年。我于2013年8月15日从七建房地产开发公司,调入九建集团兰州分公司,和兰州分公司的同志们一起开辟新的天地,实现我们共同的梦想和自我价值!能来到本公司我倍感荣幸,得到了大家对我的信任和支持,也是对我进一步的考验,...


1.咏风 唐虞世南。逐舞飘轻袖,传歌共绕梁。动枝生乱影,吹花送远香。2.惊雪 唐陆畅。怪得北风急,前庭如月晖。天人宁许巧,剪水作花飞。3.咏月 唐李建枢。昨夜圆非今夜圆,却疑圆处减婵娟。一年十二度圆缺,能得几多时少年。4.登科后 唐孟郊。昔日龌龊不足夸,今朝 思无涯。春风得意马蹄疾,一日看尽长安花。...