
发布 2022-01-23 19:47:28 阅读 2536




a. onb. inc. near

好--_考场--_考题___答___准___不___内___线___封___密名--_姓级---班校--_学-_-i .英汉互译。


) _d(发现;找到)a. unb.

) _t(矮的;短的) .or

)在。下面). l(学校)onto schoola. ere. eec. eayou() cher(老师)underwelcoma. ea

iii.读一读,圈出相应的一项补全词组。1. on the在地板上)b. whose chair is it


a. shor . b bing my book.(在。上)

a. 将下列单词分类。

ismall fifteen taxi foot long bus leg shorteleve arm train seventeen

1. .读一读,连线组短语。

comthe chair’refootvi.情景选择。

)1.你找不到自己的椅子了,可以怎样问同桌呢?a. excuse me. where is my chair?弟2页/(共4页)


c. excuse me. where are your books?

it is)你知道**上人是小花的爸爸,怎样问她呢? car near the ship()你想知道这件毛衣是谁的,可以怎样问呢?你想知道林林是怎样去上学的,可以怎样问她呢?

you go to school , lin lin ? do you go to school ,lin lin? dose your sister go to school?

vii.读一读,判段句子画线部分对(√)错(×)under the tree?

) do your brother go to xi’an?

) are there in there in there in the classroom?()is your socks?()brother is very 读一读,补全对话。

does your father go hom?he goes home___foot

2are ther elephants?they are in the zooelephants?在相应的单词下面画线,补充完整。

第3页/共4页a. isb. are

and four is __a. cat is __the doora. hair is___a.

x.用所给单词,组句子。(10分) a kite/ h**e /got2. is / this / teacher / my (

/school / to / let's (

/ do / english / like (



2013学年第二学期三年级英语期中测试卷。一 分别写出下列字母的大小写形式。10分 d y p g k h a l f q 二 选出正确答案,把序号写在括号里。20分 1 what are they?a they re monkey.b it s a tiger.c.they re lions.2....


2014 2015学年第二学期三年级英语期中测试卷。一 分别写出下列字母的大小写形式。10分 d y p g k h a l f q 二 选出正确答案,把序号写在括号里。20分 1 what are they?a they re monkey.b it s a tiger.c.they re lio...


一。找朋友,将单词和相应的 连线。10分 dog window book eleven blackboard panda chameleon hat pencil chair 二。选择题,请将正确答案的序号填在题前括号内。40分 1.hello i sam a.am b.is 2lingling a...