
发布 2022-01-22 06:10:28 阅读 8613




part a 听力部分。

i. listen and number. (请根据听到的顺序,用1-5为下列图排序。)(10分)

ii. listen and tick. (请根据听到的内容,选择相应的**并在下面的括号里画“√”表示。)(12分)

listen and match. (请根据听到的内容将人物和**连线线。)(10分)

listen and judge. (听一听,判断对错,对的打“√”错的打“×”10分)

listen and choose. (听一听,选一选,把字母序号填到题前的括号里)(10分)

1you got a stomach ache?

a. has b. h**e

2an elephant.

a there is b. there are

3. sam and amy going to go to china.

a. isb. are

4. fangfang got a pet dog.

a. h**e b. has

5. you going to go to hainan?

a. isb. are

listen and write. (听一听,选一选,补全句子) (8分)

1. how many stoneare there?

2. i’m going tomy grandfather on saturday.

3. h**e you got ayes, i h**e.

4. and sam is going to dojump .

part b 笔试部分。

read and tick. (读一读,用“√”选出相应**)(18分)

1. there is a camel2. these are biscuits.

3. he’s got a cough4. i’m doing my homework.

5. this panda can ride a bike6. there are three horses.

read,choose and write. (读一读,选一选,写一写)(5分)

1i h**e a drink, please?

-- yes. here you are.

2are those?

---they’re dragon boats.

3. how manyare there?

---there are 24.

4. i’m going totv.

5. amy isa hamburger.

write the sentences correctly. (请按正确形式书写句子,注意大小写和标点符号)(12分)

1. he’s listening to music

2. are you going to go to hainan

many stone animals are there

4. h**e you got a headache

read and circle. (读一读,回答问题并全出正确答案前的字母标号)

5分)i’m sam. i can draw. i can sing.

but i can’t play the piano. i can write a letter. but i can’t swim well.

i like english fast food.

i’ve got a new toy car and a pet mouse. i like sports. and i’m going to play football on sunday.

my mother is a teacher. i’m going to be a driver.

1. can sam play the piano? a. yes, he can. b. no, he can’t.

2. does sam like english fast food? a. yes, he does. b. no, he doesn’t.

3. has sam got a pet fisha. yes, he has. b. no, he hasn’t.


一。请用直线把汉语意思与适当的单词连接起来。map 地图 fat 胖的。boat 小船 thin 瘦的。ball 球 long 长的 chair 书桌 small 高的。desk 椅子 tall 小的。二 找出不同类的单词。man b.woman c.cat canada b.china c.gir...


一。请用直线把汉语意思与适当的单词连接起来。map 地图 fat 胖的。boat 小船 thin 瘦的。ball 球 long 长的 chair 书桌 small 高的。desk 椅子 tall 小的。二 找出不同类的单词。man b.woman c.cat canada b.china c.gir...


观音学校2014 2015学年第二学期。满分100分 考试时间 100分钟 期望值 80分出题教师 刘丽英等级。亲爱的小朋友们,你们这学期一定又学到了很多东西吧?现在让我来考考你,只要你细心一定不会被我难倒哦!一。字母默写 请写出26个英语字母的大小写。26分 二 把下列英语单词翻译成汉语。14分 ...