
发布 2022-01-22 06:09:28 阅读 8479

一。 请用直线把汉语意思与适当的单词连接起来。

map 地图 fat 胖的。

boat 小船 thin 瘦的。

ball 球 long 长的

chair 书桌 small 高的。

desk 椅子 tall 小的。


) man b. woman c. cat

) canada b. china c. girl

) boy b. in c. on

) b. desk c. chair

) car b. ruler c. pencil

) dad b. rabbit c. mom

) long b. ball c. short

) uk b. mouth c. nose

) small b. brother c. sister

) family b. he c. she

三。 读单词,把他们抄写在合适的位置。注意书写一定要规范奥。

bag ten hand fish milk pen


a )where is my cap?

)is she your mother?

)let’s go to school!

)who’s that man?

)look at that giraffe.

b a. he’s my grandfather.

b. it’s in your toy box.

c. yes, she is.

d. wow! it’s so tall!

e. great!

a )who’s this woman?

)is he your father?

)where are you from?

)look at the monkey!?

)this is my new friend, amy.

b a. she’s my mother.

b. i’m from the usa.

c. no, he isn’t.

d. wow! it’s so funny!

e. nice to meet you!

五。 看**,判断句子正误,对的打“√”错的打“x”。


) 1.is it in your toy box

a. yes, it is. b. yes, she is.

) 2.where is my ruler

a it’s under your book. b. thank you .

) 3. who’s that woman

a. she’s my mother. b. he’s my father.

) 4. let’s play hide and seek.

a. great! b. thanks.

) 5. it has a

a. long nose b. big eyes

) 6. is __your father?.

a. she b. he

) 7. where __you from?

a. is b. are

) 8. look at that pig

a. bye! b. wow! it’s so fat.

) 9. -nice___meet you.

a. too b. to

) 10. i’m from___uk.

a. 不填 b. the

) 11.is she your sister

a. yes, she is. b. yes, he is.

)1 2.where is my cap

a it’s in your bag. b. thanks.

) 13. who’s that boy

a. he’s my brother. b. she’s my sister.

) 14. look at the panda.

a. it’s white and black! b. no, it isn’t.

) 15. it has __

a. small ears and big eyes b. tall



)1、it has a long nose. it has big eras and small eyes.

( )2、it has long ears and red eyes. it has a short tail.

( )3、it’s black and white. it’s fat.

( )4、it’s so tall. it has a long neck.(脖子)

)5、it’s small and thin. it has a long tail.abcde



a. what’s your name?

b. where are you from?


a. my name’s amy. b. this is amy.


a. nice to meet you. b. see you.


a. what’s this? b. who’s that woman?

)5. 别人对你说:happy birthday!你应该怎样回答:

a. thank youb. happy birthday!

)6. 别人问你:“where are you from?”你要怎么回答:

a. thank youb. i’m from china.


chen jie: let’s go home!

amy: (1

amy: uh-oh2

chen jie: look! it’s in your desk.

amy: (3

amy: and your pencil! it’s under your book!

cheng jie: (4

a. where is my pencil box? b. ok!

c. silly me! thanks! d. oh, yes!


一。请用直线把汉语意思与适当的单词连接起来。map 地图 fat 胖的。boat 小船 thin 瘦的。ball 球 long 长的 chair 书桌 small 高的。desk 椅子 tall 小的。二 找出不同类的单词。man b.woman c.cat canada b.china c.gir...


青岛银河学校。2010 2011学年度第二学期。三年级英语期中阶段质量检测。part a 听力部分。i.listen and number.请根据听到的顺序,用1 5为下列图排序。10分 ii.listen and tick.请根据听到的内容,选择相应的 并在下面的括号里画 表示。12分 liste...


观音学校2014 2015学年第二学期。满分100分 考试时间 100分钟 期望值 80分出题教师 刘丽英等级。亲爱的小朋友们,你们这学期一定又学到了很多东西吧?现在让我来考考你,只要你细心一定不会被我难倒哦!一。字母默写 请写出26个英语字母的大小写。26分 二 把下列英语单词翻译成汉语。14分 ...