
发布 2022-01-09 14:01:28 阅读 9117


unit 1 can you play the guitar?

1、to想加入:want to join 让我们加入:let’s join

喜欢玩:like to play=like playing

需要你的帮助:need you to help

2、play (乐器前面要加the)

下棋/踢足/做运动:play chess/soccer/sports play sports=exercise

弹吉他/拉小提琴/击鼓:play the guitar/piano/drums

3、说英文/中文:speak english/chinese


游泳聚俱乐部/讲故事俱乐部/运动俱乐部:swimming club/the story telling club/sports club

什么样的俱乐部:what club

在学校的**俱乐部:in the school music club

参加我们学校的**节:be in our school music festival

5、擅长做某事:be good at doing

忙于做某事:be busy doing

空闲:be free=h**e time

6、写故事:write stories 讲故事:tell stories

7、说英语的学生:english-speaking students

8、在周末:on the weekend=on weekends

9、学校演出:school show

表演给我们看:come and show us

快把衣服穿好:go and get dressed quickly

10、和人们讲话:talk to people

和人们一起玩游戏:play games with people

11、在某方面帮助某人:help sb. with sth

12、做中国功夫:do kung fu

13、和……相处好:be good with

14、结交朋友:make friends

做早餐:make breakfast

15、…和…:and …或…:or

唱歌和跳舞:sing and dance 唱歌或跳舞:sing or dance

16、太多的规则:too many rules /a lot of rules/more rules

大量的水果和蔬菜:lots of fruit and vegetables

17、长达半小时/一小时:for half an hour /an hour


19、吃一顿好的早餐:h**e/eat a good breakfast

作为早餐:for breakfast

20、过一种健康的生活:h**e a very healthy life

21、不做:don’t do/doesn’t do

unit 2 what time do you go to school?

1、做家庭作业:do homework

保持教室干净:keep classroom clean

打扫我的房间:clean my room


到家:get home 回家: go home

起床(很早):get up (so early)

穿衣服:get dressed

上班/上学:go to work/school

**睡觉:go to bed



来自……:be from=come from

4、刷牙:brush teeth

5、八点半:eight thirty=half past eight

6、九点四十五:a quarter to ten=nine forty-five

7、洗澡:take a shower=h**e a shower

散步:take a walk

8、在六点四十:at six forty

在大约十点二十:at about ten twenty

9、一个很感兴趣的工作:an interesting job

一个很有趣的时刻:a funny time

10、在广播电台:at a radio station

广播节目:radio show

在敬老院:at an old people’s home

11、什么时间:what time=when

12、在晚上:at night=in the evening

13、迟到:be late for

有利于:be good for

14、乘火车/公交/船去学校:take the train/bus/boat to school=go/get school by train/bus/boat

15、乘滑索:on a ropeway 乘校车:on the school bus

16、做…花费…;it takes…to do…

17、骑自行车上学:ride a bike to school=go to school by bike

18、步行去学校:walk to school=go/get school on foot

19、过河去学校:cross the river to school

20、一座桥:a bridge/ cross a bridge

21、多远:how far 距离…很远:far from

22、我不确定:i’m not sure

23、汽车站:bus stop/station

24、他开车去上班:drive his car to work=go to work by car/in a car

25、住在离学校有5千米的地方:live about five kilometers from school

26、他想知道他认为这次旅程怎么样:he wants to know what he thinks of the trip.

unit 3 how do you go to school

1、河流很湍急:river runs too quickly

2、对于很多学生来说:for many students

3、在一个小村庄里:in one small village


5、there be

这里有一条很大的河:there is a big river

这里没有桥:there is no bridge

这里有太多规矩:there are too many rules

这里有很多你可以做的事情:there are a lot of things you can do

6、一个11岁的男孩:he is one/an 11-year-old boy= he is 11 years old.

7、害怕/安静/像/吵闹:be afraid/be quiet/be like/be noisy

8、离开村庄:le**e the village

离开我家:le**e my home

留下脏盘子:le**e the dirty dishes

9、实现:come true

10、村名们的梦想:villagers’ dream

梦想的学校:dream school

11、两百:two hundred

unit 4 don’t eat in class

1、迟到:be late for

不要迟到:don’t arrive late for class.=you must be on time.

不要听**:don’t listen to music=you can’t listen to music./

不要讲话:don’t talk=be quiet=don’t be noisy

2、在走廊上:in the hallways

在餐厅:in the dining hall

3、戴帽子/穿校服:wear a hat/uniform

4、考虑:think about

5、一些规则:some of the rules


7、最好是遵守这些规则:it’s best to follow the rules

8、练习吉他:practice the guitar

9、必须做…:h**e to/has to=must+动词原形。


also :用于肯定句句中。表示也… 也杀/也画/也记住:also kill/draw /remember

either:用于否定句中。表示也不… 也不能放松:can’t relax either

too:用于肯定句句尾。表示…也一样你也一样:you too

11、读一本书:read a book

12、从不娱乐:never h**e fun

13、留短发:keep my hair short

14、听**:listen to music

15、学习拉小提琴:learn to play the piano

16、不能做这个:don’t do this

你不能做那个:you can’t do that

17、洗碗:do the dishes

18、外出:go out

19、对某人要求严格:be strict with sb.

20、拜访朋友:see friends

21、好运:good luck

22、帮助他的妈妈做早餐:help his mom make breakfast

23、上学日(的晚上):on school days/nights

24、遵守规则:follow the rules

25、在厨房:in the kitchen

去厨房:go to the kitchen

26、铺床:make your bed

制定规则:make rules

28、before 在…之前。

在我看电视之前:before i can watch tv

10点之前:before 10:00


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