
发布 2022-01-02 08:30:28 阅读 3015







一、 对话理解。


1. what sport does tom like better?

b. football.

2. how much will the man pay for the t-shirts?

a.40 yuanb. 80 yuanc. 160 yuan

3. what are they talking about?

a. c. cars

4. what’s the weather like today?

wetc. hot

5. where are the two speakers?

a bookstore a shoe shop c. at a library.




did the man’s parents move to the city?

a. in marchb. in aprilc. in may

7. why doesn’t the man’s father like the city?

likes to live alone. b. he likes the country life.

hates the noises.


8. what book is the man looking for?

a. lion king potter c. uncle sam

9. why is the man looking for the book?

it’s interesting.

he needs a phone number.

he wants to read it again.


10. what does the man do ?

a. a journalist. b. a student. c. a teacher.

第1页。11. how does jenny like her school life?

a. boring and busy. b. hard and unhappy. c. busy and interesting.


12. what are the two speakers talking about?

a. weekend plans. b. an interesting film. c. their f**ourite food.

13. where does marc help his father on saturday?

a. at his father’s company. b. at his father’s farm.

c. at his father’s shop.

do wendy and marc plan to do together at the weekend?

a. play at home. b. go shopping. c. see a movie.


will lend the bike to the girl?

a. han feng. b. lin taoc. liu mei.

long can she keep the bike?

a. the whole day. whole morning. c. the whole afternoon.

is ill?

a. han feng. b. lin taoc. liu mei.


does the woman want to go ?

a. the tv station. b. the railway station. c. the bus station.

long does it take to walk there?

a. an hourb. forty minutes c. half an hour.

20. which bus can the woman take?

a. no.9.


21. where did the story happen?

a. in england. japanc. in america

22. where did the driver want to go?

a. to a city. b. to a village. c. to a town.

23. who wanted to take a lift (搭便车)?

a. an old woman. b. a young woman. little girl.

24. why didn’t the driver talk to her in chinese at first?

a. because he thought she was japanese.

b. because he thought it was not polite.

c. because he knew little chinese.

25. how did they feel after they knew they were both chinese?

a. they felt very luckyb. they felt very nervous.

c. they felt very excited.





31. she saw __american film two weeks ago,but she has forgetten __

name offilm.

a. a, the a b. an ,a, a c. an, the , the d. an ,the, a

will arriveparisthe morning of july 19.

a. to, on b. in , on c. in, in d. at, in

33. -who taughtfrench?

-nobody. he learned it by

a. himself,him b. his, himself c. him, himself d. him, he

too noisy here. please ask her to __the radio a little.

a. turn down b. fall down c. shut down d. come down

35i take the magazine away from th reading room?

- no,you mustn’t . youread it only here.

a. must, must b. must, can c. need, must d. may, can

room issmallhold 2,000 students.


九年级英语科中考模拟考试试卷分析。本卷为xx年中考模拟卷,考查了学生的英语综合能力。本试卷质量很高,考点全面又有一定难度,对中考有很好的指导作用。卷面结构为 听力25分,单项选择10分,完形填空10分,阅读理解30分,阅读表达10分,词汇应用12分,翻译句子8分,书面表达15分。一 总体得分情况 试...


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