
发布 2021-12-30 00:08:28 阅读 9195






第一节 (2010·河北正定第一次月考)语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


1. dramaa. awardb. academy c. agentd. task

2. staira. fireb. scarec. feard. here

3. winga .tongueb. fondc. huntd. southern

4. handsome a. someb. protectc. upond. boss

5. advanced a. playedb. owedc. touched d. exchanged


6. (2010·河北正定第一次月考)miss chen can show you around __mountain, because she has __good knowledge of it.

a. the; ab. a; thec. a; ad. the; /

7. it’s the second time that i __in beijing. what great changes!

it’s years since i___here last time.

a. went; had left b. had been; left c. h**e been; left d. h**e; had left

8. (2010·陕西卷)the old temple __roof was damaged in storm is now under repair.

a. whereb. whichc. itsd. whose

9. (2010·陕西卷)__from the top of the tower ,the south foot of the mountain is a sea of trees.

a. seenb. seeingc. h**e seend. to see

10. (2010·全国ⅱ)neither side is prepared to talk tounless we can smooth things over between them.

a. othersb. the otherc. anotherd. one other

11. (2010·上海春卷) well in an interview will be an important part of getting a place at university.

a. do b. doing c. done d. being done

12. (2010·上海春卷)it was by ****** great effortsshe caught up with other students.

a. how b. when c. what d. that

13. (2010·上海春卷)never lisa would arrive but she turned up at the last minute.

a. did we think b. h**e we thought

c. we thought d. we h**e thought

14. throughout history, the language __by a powerful group spreads across a civilization.

a. speakingb. spokenc. to speakd. to be spoken

15. _we are sure about is the need to prevent children from being spoiled.

a. whatb. whichc. whetherd. that

16. (2010·陕西卷)—may i take this book out of the reading room?

no, youyou read it here

a. mightn’tb. won’tc. needn’td. mustn’t

17. (2010·陕西卷)what a fine day! shall we go picnicking?

. but we need to be home before six o’clock for the football match.

a. h**e a nice time b. pardon mec. that’s greatd. you are right

18.(2010·厦门质检)the purse found on the playground matches the __by mary, so it must be hers.

a. directionb. descriptionc. expressiond. instruction

19.(2010·厦门市质检)—quite a lot of students failed in the math exam.

exactly. it is __their abilities.

a. withinb. overc. againstd. beyond

20. (2010·滨州高考**)—what a pity! the tickets for the football match h**e been sold out.

don’t worry. you can watch on tv.

a. the game alive b. the living game c. the live game d. the game living



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