
发布 2021-12-29 21:49:28 阅读 2424





)1. a. give youb. here you are! c. thank you.

)2. a. sundayb. may 1st c. june 12.

)3. a. no, let's go at four o'clock.

b. that's great!

c. no, let's make it a little earlier.

)4. a. yes, it is, isn't it ?

b. yes, he is ,isn't he? c.

yes, they are, aren't they?

)5. a. the same to you. b. nice to meet you! c. hold on for a moment, please.




( )10. a. i was so late that i missed the train.

b. i didn't miss the train.

c. i was so late that i caught the train.

) 11. a. he knows french better than japanese.

b he knows french and japanese.

c. he doesn't know french, and he doesn't know japanese, either.

)12. a. jack and jim were neck and neck.

b. jack ran faster than jim.

c. jim couldn't catch up with jack.





) 13. where does this dialogue happen?

a. at home. b at school. c in the open air.

) 14. what does jack like to eat?

a. a chicken sandwich.

b a tomato sandwich.

c. a potato sandwich.


( )15. what's the dialogue talking about?

a. about jim's school.

b about jim's trouble.

c. the food for breakfast

) 16. where are they talking?

a. at jim's home. b at the doctor's. c. at jim's school.

)17. what's the matter with jim?

a. he's got a headache. b. he's got a cold. c. both a and b


( )18. where does the man want to go?

a. the post officeb the olympic villagec. the police station.

) 19. is it far from here?

a. yes, it is. b. no, it isn't. c i don' t know.

) 20. how is he going there?

a. on foot b by busc. by car.




)21. which school are the students from?

a. no. 165 middle school.

b no. 145 middle school.

c. no. 155 middle school.

) 22. where is the ***** factory?

a. in the village.

b close to a lake.

c. near a town.

)23. which one do you think the writer is worrying about?

a. the ***** factory is ****** a lot of noise.

b the dirty water pollutes(污染)the lake,c. the school is close to the ***** factory.

)24. what happens to the farmers?

a. their sheep and cows became ill since they drank the water from the lake.

b their rice grew well since the ***** factory was built.

c. they became richer and richer since the ***** factory was built

) 25. which one is right?

a. we must do something to stop the pollution.

b the farmers are glad because they can work in the ***** factory.

c. the farmers want to move away from the ***** factory.




26. mary has gone shopping with her aunt for about two hours. she'll back in a minute.

a. very soon b. in one minute c. fast d. quick

27. li ping prefers foreign languages to science subjects.

a. likes… less than b. likes…as much as c. likes better…thand. likes…better than

28. excuse me, may i h**e your name, please?

a. call b. get c. hear d. know

29. look out! the taxi (出租车) is coming too fast.

a. look-carefully b. be careful

c. look thered. look this way

30. —oh, sorry, jane. i took your dictionary by mistake.

that's all right.

a. that's rightb. it doesn't matter

c. you're welcome d. never think about it


31. —oh, there isn't enough for us in the lift.

it doesn't matter. let's wait for the next.

a. ground b. floor c. placed. room

32. —would you like some more rice?

yes. just .


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