七年级下册英语作文 人与自然

发布 2021-06-23 16:02:28 阅读 5598

nature is great, ecology is complicated, life is a mystery, but we know too little, less than "ephemera to he**en and earth, and are one of the sea corn." the earth is rich and colorful, the myriad of object. a blade of grass, a tree, an animal, a group, a person, a family, a nation, a society.

is the result of a natural progress. natural animal, natural plant, all the plants in the natural, natural all life is useful. their existence is useful.

to think of the mother at the sight of the forest, wood; at the sight of the rivers of power; at the sight of the grassland, to think of red meat and cashmere sweater; to think of at the sight of the animal, can eat, can use, can be used as a medicine.

cherish the animal is the wealth of society, we must protect. although some are common, but beneficial to human animals, we should also take care of. plants but also the friend of human.

plants can help people purify air, reduce noise, keep the soil and water conservation, windbreak and sand-fixation, regulating climate. really done a lot of contribution for the human.







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