七年级英语寒假专题一 冠词外研社 大庆

发布 2021-06-23 15:49:28 阅读 9905



一。 教学内容:


二。 重点、难点:


三。 具体内容:

1. 什么是冠词?

在汉语中我们说“他住在学院附近”,名词“学院”的前面不需加任何东西。而如果翻译成英语“he lives near the institute.” institute的前面必须加一个“帽子样”的东西“the”。


除了the 之外,名词前面经常加的还有a(an), 这两个词分别称为定冠词和不定冠词,统称冠词。冠词的作用:一是起发音的辅助作用;二是通过冠词的使用,可以使名词在表意上更加确切,使名词在概念与载体、具体与抽象、微粒与群合、特指与泛指之间呈现出丰富的内涵。


2. 冠词的用法:



例如:mr. brown is an englishman.

he is a student.


例如:a cat is a lovely animal = cats are lovely animal.

(3)a = one

例如:i h**e a brother and two sisters.

i want only one apple, not two.

(4)a = the same

例如:the three boxes are much of a size.

(5)a = per (每)

例如:they work 12 hours a day.

he often drives at eighty miles an hour.

(6)a = a certain(有把握,确信)表示该说话人不认识此人。

例如:do you know a miss zhang?


例如:this is a good cloth for spring.

(8)h**e (take) +a + 抽象名词,表示抽象名词与动词词形同义。

例如:let’s take a swim. =let’s swim.

let’s h**e a chat. =let’s chat.



例如:please pass me the book.

give me the wallet.


例如:the dog is a faithful(忠实的,忠诚的) animal. =dogs are faithful animal.


例如:i h**e bought an english dictionary and the dictionary is very expensive.


例如:this is the desk that was bought by tom.

he is the sort of person who always makes trouble.


例如:the sun is in the sky.


例如:the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

there is a village on the left side of the hill.


例如:to play the violin (uitar, flute, piano etc.)


例如:she is the tallest girl of her school.


a. 海河、运河的名称: the thames(英国)泰晤士河。

b. 复数形式的专有名词:the bahamas巴哈马〔拉丁美洲〕

c. 舰船名称:the queen mary

d. 画报、杂志、经典的名称:the time

e. 公共建筑、机关名称:the white house

f. 国民的总称:the chinese

g. 用在姓氏名称的复数之前指全家人或夫妇:the greens

3. 冠词的省略(零冠词)


例如:waiter, bring my bill please.

jack, give me that book please.


例如:mom, will you give me some money?


例如:we ate breakfast at eight o’clock this morning.


例如:he likes skiing better than skating.

i want to play football.


例如:he was elected president.

mike was elected monitor of his class.

6)school, church, hospital等词指原有的用途时不加冠词,若指建筑物本身或场所时,要加定冠词。

例如:school begins at eight. (school做抽象名词用)


例如:arm in arm, day by day, hand in hand, face to face, shoulder to shoulder


例如:childhood, neighborhood

4. 定冠词的 “有”与“无”与词义。

请看out of question与out of the question, 后者比前者只多了一个定冠词“the”,涵义却大不相同,前者为“毫无问题”、“没问题”,后者则表示“根本不可能”、“很有问题”。如果用一句话概括,就能起到过目不忘的神效。


5. 用冠词与不用冠词的区别。

at table进餐at the table在桌子旁。

at desk在读书或做作业at the desk在课桌旁。

at school在校上学at the school在学校。

at sea在航海中at the sea在海边。

behind time误期behind the time落后于时代。

by sea乘船by the sea在海边。

go to school(church)上学(做礼拜)

go to the school(church)到学校(教堂)去。

go to sea出海go to the sea去海边。

in class在上课/在课内in the class在班上。

in bed 在睡觉/卧床in the bed在床上。

in case of万一,如果in the case of 就……来说,至于。

in front of 在(外部的)前面in the front of在(内部的)前面。

in front of bus在公共汽车的前面(不在车上)

in the front of the bus在公共汽车的前部(在车里)

in future从今往后,将来in the future未来。

in hospital住院in the hospital在医院里。

in office在办公,执政in the office在办公室里。

in place of 代替,而不是in the place of 在……地方。

in prison坐牢in the prison(因事)在监狱。

in red穿着红色的衣服in the red负债,亏损。

in secret秘密,私下in the secret参与秘密,参与阴谋。

of age成年人of an age同龄人。

on earth究竟on the earth地球上,在世上。

on horseback骑着马on the horseback在马背上。

out of office离岗out of the office离开办公室。

out of prison出狱out of the prison(因事)从监狱出来。

out of question毫无疑问out of the question完全不可能,办不到。

come out of hospital(病好)出院 come out of the hospital(因事)从医院出来。

come out of prison(刑满)获释come out of the prison(因事)从监狱出来。

go to bed**睡觉go to the bed去床边。

七年级英语暑假专题 代词外研社 初中起点

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七年级英语专题二冠词与名词 含答案

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