
发布 2021-06-21 20:26:28 阅读 9910

pep小学英语五年级下册《my weekend》教学案例

一。 教学内容:本课出自 pep 小学英语,以“我的周末”这一话题为纲,重点复习五年级上册第二单元,五年级下册第一单元和六年级下册。




三。 教学目标。


1.能够听、说、读、写对话:what do you do on the weekend?

i often/usually ….do you …?yes,i do.

/no,i don’t. what did you do last weekend? i ….

did you …?yes,i did./no,i didn’t.





四。 教学重、难点分析。

1.本课的教学重点是熟练使用句型:what do you do on the weekend?

i often/usually ….do you …?yes,i do.

/no,i don’t. what did you do last weekend? i ….

did you …?yes,i did./no,i didn’t.



五。 课前准备。



step 1.热身/复习活动

1)师生对话:what day is it today?

what do you h**e on thursdays?

what do you do in your … class?

2)课件显示:in chinese class, we often read chinese we write.

in english class,we often read and write. sometimes we sing and chant.

in … class,we often ….sometimes we ….分别让几名学生回答。

(从师生对话过渡到学生阐述,激活了学生有关school days的已有的知识储备,并且用句型 in … class,we often ….sometimes we ….充分释放学生们的词汇量,发散学生思维。

)step 2.梳理再现。

1) t: tomorrow will be friday. the day after tomorrow will be saturday.

it’s the weekend. do you like weekend? i like the weekend,too.

on my weekend,i often clean my room. sometimes i go hiking. what do you do on the weekend?


课件示**,t:what do you do on the weekend? 生齐拼,师把词组写在黑板上,过渡到生问生答。

通过课件出示12组动词词**片,如clean the room,listen to music,dance,syudy chinese等,并把词组放在句子what do you do on the weekend? i often/usually ….呈现,做到词不离句。

)2)师板书s---guess:which word begins with “s”? it’s a verb. it has 4 letters.




4)课件显示:我会造:i usually/often … on my weekend.

last weekend i …及8个动词短语和它们的过去分词形式,如climb a mountain ……climbed a mountain ,师生齐造句,生自己造句。



5)教师询问几生他们的周末活动:what do you do on the weekend? do you …?

what did you do last weekend? did you …?然后学生两人一组练习。

游戏:我猜,我猜,我猜猜猜:叫一生到台前, t:

can you guess?what does he/she do on the weekend? what did he/she do last weekend?

,其他学生猜测do you … did you … 三次猜不中引导学生们齐问what do you do on the weekend? what did you do last weekend?

运用竞猜活动在接近真实的语言环境中运用所学语言体现了英语学习的“在学中用,在用中学” 的思想。)

6) 习题:选择动词的适当形式填空。


step 3. 整合话题,交际运用。

1)活动一:课件显示刘星的**,t:who’s he?

last weekend liu xing had a happy together and answer: what did liu xing do last weekend? how did he feel?

a happy weekend

hello!i’m liu xing. now let me tell you something about my last weekend.

it’s spring now. it’s time to plant trees. so i planted trees with my classmates last sunday.

we went to a village . first, we digged the soil. then we put the plants in the soil .

at last we watered them. in the evening, i was very tired. but i was very was a happy weekend.

did liu xing do last weekend?

did he feel?

2)活动二:课件显示鼠标的**,t:but shubiao had a sad did shubiao do last weekend? read and answer:

a sad weekend

i am shubiao . i’m in class 3,grade 6. from monday to friday i get up at 6:

30 every morning. i eat breakfast at 7:00.

then i go to school. i h**e 6 classes every day. i study hard(努力的).

i want to h**e a rest (休息) on the weekend.

but my mother took me to an after-school training class (补习班) last weekend . i got up at 7:00.

i learned chinese,math and english. i did many exercises. at 10:

00 i went to bed. i didn’t h**e time to sing and dance. i didn’t play football or fly kites.

i was tired and sad . please help me!!!

did shubiao do last weekend?

lean 倾斜 leant / leaned leant / leaned(这两篇文章的文本涵盖了学生学过的许多单元的内容,充分复习了学过的知识,唤醒学生们的记忆。)

3) 活动三:答记者问。教师示范后由一生扮演鼠标,其他学生当记者就文本内容提问。

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