英语教案 多篇

发布 2021-06-21 00:20:28 阅读 5583

unit 8 book 1 experiencing english

i. teaching objectives

1. skills:

1) reading: reading between the lines

2) writing: how to use punctuations in a sentence

3) listening: understanding the passages about love and friendship, listening for the main idea and the important details, learning to take notes while listening

4) speaking: talking about love and friendship

2. vocabulary development:

1) words: acquaintance, barely, encounter, incline, intimate, occasional, principle, recall, recognize, replace, summarize, upset, bow, depart, enclose, endure, identical, intense, occupy, provoke, standing, trim,2) expressions: compare… to, drift apart, ever after, even if/ though, join hands (with), no matter what/ how, etc.

, succeed in, try on, go by, in case, pass away, work out

3. grammar and structure:

1) adverbial clause

2) attributive clause

3) modal auxiliaries in subjunctive mood

ii. important points:

le**e nothing to chance, compare to, even if/ though, no matter how/ what, go by, work out, recognize as/ by, compare with/ to

iii. difficult points:

replace, substitute, take the place of; confront, encounter, meet; bear, endure, put up with, stand, suffer, tolerate; acknowledge, admit, confess, recognize

2. speaking: talking about love and friendship

3. listening: understanding the passages, listening for the main idea and the important details, learning to take notes while listening

iv. teaching arrangements:

1. total class time for this unit: 8 periods

2. suggested arrangement:

1) talking:(duty report, group discussion, free talk etc.) 40'

2) pre-reading activities: 15-20'

3) understanding the structure of text a: 15-20'

4) detailed study of the language:100'

5) writing skills: 15'

6) text summary 10’

7) exercises: 55'

8) reading skills: 15-25'

9) detailed study of of text b: 60-70'

10) comprehensive exercises: 20'

iv. lecture scripts:(by the teachers)2







a 4小学英语教学法。



教材名称:pep 小学英语四年级(上)

unit 6 at a pe lesson




unit 6at a pe lesson (comic sans ms,加粗三号)


1、 能听得懂,会说,会读和会拼写单词time, left, right, touch, an arm, a hand, a leg, a foot. (宋体,小四)


本单元通过一堂体育课引出“按指令做动作”这一语言项目(中文:宋体,小四;英文:comic sans ms,小四)

unit 6 (第一课时)(comic sans ms,三号)

一、教学内容(黑体,加粗四号)aread and say


1.会听、说、读日常交际用语: stand in a line. let’s do some exercise.

中文:宋体,小四;英文:comic sans ms,小四)


1.会听、说、读、写单词:time, left, right, stop, touch.

中文:宋体,小四;英文:comic sans ms,小四)


1.单词time, back, right, with意思和句子touch ? with ?的意义。



中文:宋体,小四;英文:comic sans ms,小四)


step 1.free talk (comic sans ms,加粗四号)timing: 15 min

1. t: good morning, boys and girls.

comic sans ms,小四)


1. read the text three times after the tape.

comic sans ms,小四)


unit 6at a pe lesson(a)

comic sans ms,小四)



1. 问候语。

2. 说教学内容。

3. 说教材。

4. 说教学目的。

5. 说教学重点、难点。

6. 说教学准备。

7. 说教法、学法。

8. 说教学流程。

9. 教学总结。


unit3---a master of nonverbal humour

the second periodreading

teaching aims: students to learn what humor means and what isnonverbal humor.

introduce the life and work of charlie chaplin.

introduce the kind of humour we can all laugh at

--nonverbal humour

train the students’ reading and understanding ability

difficult points: find out the main ideas of every paragraph.

teaching aids: a recorder and a projector,**********

teaching procedure:

step 1. greetings and revision

check homework: ask students to review what we learned in last


step 2. pre-reading (通过展示几幅幽默**,使课堂气氛活跃了起。


--charlie chaplin)

questions: do you know about charlie chaplin?

do you know about his films?

step 3 reading

task 1 :find out the main information about charlie chaplin


2)job3)famous character


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