
发布 2021-06-11 09:48:28 阅读 5343




1. 形容词的比较级和最高级的概念。



2. 形容词比较级和最高级的构成。


a. 在原级的词尾加-er变为比较级,加-est变为最高级。



b. 如原级以e结尾,则比较级只加-r,最高级只加-st。

large---larger---largest nice---nicer---nicest

c. 如原级以“辅音字母+y”结尾,要将y改为i,再加-er,-est。

busy---busier---busiest easy---easier---easiest

d. 原级以重读闭音节结尾,而且末尾只有一个辅音字母(不含字母组合er等),要双写这个辅音字母,再加-er,-est。

fat---fatter---fattest big---bigger---biggest


beautiful(原级)--more beautiful(比较级)--most beautiful(最高级)

interesting(原级)--more interesting(比较级)--most interesting(最高级)


good- -better-- bestbad/ ill worse worst

much /many more mostlittle- -less-- least

farther farthestolder oldest


further furthestelder eldest


old---older较旧,较老---oldest最旧,最老/ old---elder较年长---eldest最年长。

far---farther较远---farthest最远(指距离)/ far---further进一步---furthest最深(指程度)

3. 形容词比较级的用法和相关句型。


he is as tall as his mother.

english is as interesting as math.

表示“不如”或“不相等”用“not +as/so+形容词原级+as+比较对象”。

it is not so/as cold today as yesterday.

jack is not so/as tall as tom.

表示倍数,如“一半/两倍/3倍/4倍/……等用“half/twice/three/four/…times +as…as…”结构。

i study twice as hard as you.

this room is three times as large as that one.


the earth is bigger than the moon.

this dress is more expensive than that one.

强调比较级超出比较程度时,形容词的比较级前可用much,far,a lot,still,no,a little,even,any,等状语来修饰。

my brother is much older than i.

this bike is far better than that one.


i’m getting fatter and fatter.

i think english is becoming more and more difficult.


the more you read,the more knowledge you will get.

the less junk food you eat, the healthier you feel.


1. friendly2. hungry3. nice

4. wide5. he**y6. early

7. hot8. big9. low

10. difficult

13. many/ much14. lazy15. little

16. far17. good/ well18. bad/ badly

19. beautiful20. clever21. thin

22. cheap23. dangerous24. late

25. colorful26. dirty27. crowded


1. she is theone of the two students. (beautiful)

2. my mother is thein my family. (busy)

3. which do you likegood), oranges, apples ,or pears?

4. beijing is one of the most beautifulcity) in china.

5. fish and chips are very , but i think fried chicken isof the three. (delicious)

6. li ping’s home isfrom the school in our class. (far)

7. this book is than that book. (interesting)

8. lily isthin )of the three.

9. lesson four isdifficult) than lesson three.

10. this skirt is nicer thani).

11. the old man is alwayshe has nothing to worry about. he is evennow when he lives with his family.


12. mary isthan i; and she is theof the three in our room .but she looks very young. (old)

13. this book seemsthan that one, but it is certainly not thebook on my desk. some others are toofor you to read.


14. it is said that a rolls royce is muchthan a ford. it is one of thecars.

it is toofor common people. (expensive)

15. all the students of this class arethey arethan those in the other class. in fact, they are thestudents of the whole school.



比较级最高级练习。广州市番禺区榄核中心小学韩兰平周婵娟。一 智慧小擂台 请根据常识,选择恰当的单词,并用其适当的。形式填空。1.the moon is than the sun.bigger,smaller 2.planes are than cars.faster,slower 3.horses ...


一 考纲搜索 熟练掌握形容词 副词比较等级的构成和good,well,many,much 等不规则变化。熟练运用所学句型表示两者和三者或三者以上人或事物的比较。初步掌握用much,a little等副词修饰比较等级的用法。二 真题再现。1.which is season in beijing?200...


形容词的比较级和最高级知识讲解及练习。形容词的主要句法功能 让学生举例说明 1.做定语,放于名词前或不定代词后。如 i h e something interesting to tell you.2.做表语,放于系动词后。如 the book is very useful.3.做宾语补足语,放在ke...