
发布 2021-06-11 09:53:28 阅读 8958


一、 按例子完成下列单词。 例 tall --taller --tallest

1. big2. old

slow5. weak6. thin

7. quick8. fat

9. hot10. wet

11. hungry12. clean

13. happy14. ugly

15. dirty16. sad

17. good18. nice

19. clever20. well

21. beautiful

22. delicious

23. quickly

24. slowly

25. popular


1. john likes dogthan cat .(well)

2. which do you likecars , buses or trains ? well)

3. a car can run muchfast) than a bike.

4. i h**e __apples than you .(many)

5. this film isthan that one .(exciting)

6. which goesthe bus or the car ? quick)

7. who can do __work on the farm of you two ? much )

8. she istoday than yesterday. (well)

9. this book isof all .(interesting)

10. li lei istall) of all.

11. my mother gets upearly) in my family.

12. the cake is verynice ).

13. this box ishe**y) of all.

14. our classroom isclean) than theirs.

15. who ismike ,tom or jack ? young)

16. which isenglish or math ? easy )


) is __the red ruler, the yellow ruler or the green ruler ?

a. long b. longer c. longest d. the longest

) blue t-shirt is much __than the red one?

a. cheap b. cheaper c. cheapest d. the cheapest

) is my __friend of all the classmates. a. good b. better c . bestd. the best

) is the __of all . a. young b. youngest c. younger d. older

) 5. my father is a little __than his father .

a. old b. older c . the oldest d. the older

) 6.--which is __season (季节) in beijing ?

i think it’s autumn .

a. good b. better c. best d. the best

) horse is __than a dog .

a. much he**y b. more he**ier c . much he**ier d. more he**iest

) brother is __in his class. a. tall b. tallest c. the taller d. the tallest

三、翻译。1.今年比以前热得多。 this year isbefore .


there are __students in class twoclass one .


which isof all the new words ?


i’m feelingthan

5.大明比tom 大二岁。

daming istom .


han mei’s drawing is


do you likethe apple or the pear ?

1. 本书跟那本书一样有趣。this book isthat one.

2. 你游泳没有你弟弟好。you can’t swimyour brother.

3. 今天比昨天冷的多。it istoday___it was yesterday.

4. 对这个故事我比另一个喜欢的多。this story isthan that one.

5. 他比我大两岁。he isthan i.

6. 这个故事不如那个有趣。this story isthan that one.

7. 她的身体状况一天天好起来。he is gettingevery day.

8.他对英语越来越感兴趣。he is becomingenglish.

9.他吃的越多,人越胖。the more he eats, the __he gets.

10.你的问题是两个中比较难的那个。your question isof two.

形容词 副词比较级最高级

形容词 副词比较级最高级。大部分形容词有原级 比较级和最高级的形式。瞧!说曹操,曹操到!他们来了!原级 hi!大家好!我是形容词的原级 the positive degree 即原形。一般来说,我总是保持低调,不与其它的人或事物进行比较。我常站在too,very,so,quite,rather,ni...


语法专题 形容词,副词比较级与最高级。班级姓名。一 概念 1 形容词主要修饰 表示名词的属性,特征或性质,在句中作定语,表语及宾语补足语等。大多数的形容词与副词有三个等级 a.原级,即形容词的 形式。常用修饰语 very,so,too,quite,a little等。b表示 较 或 更 常用修饰语 ...


形容词和副词。形容词顾名思义形容人 事或物的特点,所以多修饰名词性成分。至于用法,以形容词good为例,可做定语,a good question 可做表语,如 you h e asked a good man 可做宾语补足语,如 i find the question good。副词的英语是adve...