形容词比较级 最高级的用法

发布 2021-06-11 09:44:28 阅读 5434


原级。句型ithis dress istwice as expensive asthat one.这件外衣比那件外衣贵一倍。

jack isnot as /so tall asmike.杰克没有迈克那么高。

he is justas strong asever.他正如以前一样强壮。

please comeas soon as possible.请尽快来。

this kind of whale canweigh as much as60 tons.这种鲸可能重达60吨。

句型ⅱshe is the same age asmy sister (is).她和我姐妹一样年纪。

this pictureis similar tothat one.这幅画同那幅画相像。

we thinkalike.我们想法一致。

比较级。句型ithis room is bigger than that one.这间房比那间大。

as i spoke to him, he becameless and lessangry.我跟他说着话,他越来越不生气了。

句型ⅱit is getting warmer and warmer.天气越来越暖和。

the moreyou h**e,the happieryou will be.拥有的越多,你就会越高兴。

the further we go, the better will our holiday be.句型ⅲ

mary isthe taller ofthe two sisters.两姐妹中玛丽较高些。


1. he istoo young todress himself.他还小,还不能自己穿衣服。

the man istoo selfish tohelp.这人太自私了,不会帮助别人。

she is onlytoo glad tohelp others.她非常乐意帮助别人。



to。he issenior tome. (older than i)她比我大。

this book issuperior tothat. (better than that)这本书比那本好。

he is obviouslysenior /junior tome.他明显比我大(小)。

the function of this machine issuperior /inferior tothat of the other.这台机器的性能优/劣于那台机器。

2.句型:more a than b


james isnot so much a writer asa reporter.与其说james是作家,不如说是记者。

james ismore a writer thana reporter.与其说james是记者,不如说是作家。

3. "not /no /nothing /never...形容词比较级,表示"最……不过"itcouldn’t be safer.

再安全不过了。there'snothing better.最好不过了。

she can’tbe more beautiful.她可美极了。

the situationcouldn't be worse.(=the situation is the worst.)形势再糟糕不过了。

you could give herno greaterpleasure.你使她再满意不过了。

最高级。句型imathematics isthe least interestingof all the subjects.所有科目中数学最没意思。

the youngest of the family was the richest.家中最年轻的一位即是最富有的一位。

句型ⅱhe was one of the greatest presidents (that) we h**e (ever) had.他是我们所见过的最伟大的**之一。



1. he is the last man to h**e done that.最不可能干这事的就是他。(last意为“最不…的”)

is the least thing that i’ve done.

最微不足道的一件。(least “最少/小”)

3. this book isno more expensivethan that one.这本书跟那本书都不贵。

4. this book isnot more expensive thanthat one.这本书没有那本书贵。(两本书都贵)


1. is it necessary to complete the design before national day?

2. it is stupid of him to refuse the invitation.他拒绝了邀请,真是件错事。

可转换成:how stupid it is of him to refuse the invitation!

或how stupid of him to refuse the invitation!

或he is stupid to refuse the invitation.

3. it is better for you to live alone for some time.你单独住一段时间更好。

可转换成:to live alone for some time is better for you.

或it is better that you live alone for some time.


形容词和副词比较等级的常见句型。一 原级。1.as 原级 as 表示两者之间在某一方面程度相同时,和一样 例如 1 art isas interesting asmusic.美术和 一样有趣。2 i h eas many english booksas he has.我有的英语书和他一样多。3 mi...


学习好资料欢迎 形容词比较级 最高级的基本用法。1,将两者作某一方面的比较时,a be 形容词的比较级 than b,表示a比b更i got up earlier than my mother today.我今天起床比我妈妈早。2,选择性比较时用 which who be 形容词比较级,a or b...

形容词比较级 最高级的基本用法

1,将两者作某一方面的比较时,a be 形容词的比较级 than b表示a比b更。igotupearlierthanmymothertoday.我今天起床比我妈妈早。2,选择性比较时用 which who be 形容词比较级,aorb?表示a和b中,哪一个 谁更。whichdoyoulikebett...