
发布 2021-06-04 08:31:28 阅读 3928


1. be / get used to习惯于。

she isn't used to living with strangers.她不习惯与陌生人住在一起。2. get down to开始认真(做某事)

while the weather is fine, i must get down to repairing the house.趁着天气好,我得着手修理房屋了。3.

lead to通向;导致。

the new evidence led to the thief being caught.4. look forward to盼望;期待。

i look forward to receiving your reply.我期待着你的答复。5. pay attention to注意。

pay attention to your spelling when you're writing something.写东西的时候要注意拼写。

6. prefer doing to doing宁愿……不愿……

he prefers walking to taking crowded buses.他宁愿走也不愿乘拥挤的公共汽车。7. stick to坚持。

she sticks to reading the foreign language every morning.她坚持每天早晨读外语。

8. object to反对;不赞成。

do you object to smoking?你反对抽烟吗?9. point to指着。

he asked, pointing to the man over there.他指着远处的那个人问道。10. see to照料;照顾。

i've got some personal affairs that i h**e to see to.我有一桩私事要去处理。11. be up to从事于。

i'm going to see what you are up to.我要去看看你在干什么。12.

belong to属于(没有被动语态).大火烧毁了大楼工作人员的汽车。13.

get close to接近。

he got close to being killed in the accident.在事故中他差一点遇难。14. drink to为某事干杯。

now let's drink to the success of your schooling!现在,让我们为你学业有成干杯!

15. devote ..to献身于;致力于。

she devoted her life to helping homeless children.她把全部身心倾注于帮助无家可归的孩子们。

16. in addition to除……外。

in addition to studying english, he had to study a second foreign language.除学英语外,他还得学习一门第二外语。17.

on the way to正要成为。

she is now at college and on the way to becoming a teacher.她目前在上大学,将要成为一名教师。


to 坚持,不改变或不放弃 we don t want to hear your opinions stick to the facts 我们不想听你的想法,只讲事实!常见带介词的to短语。be get become used to 习惯于。be given to 喜欢 癖好。be related ...


face up to勇敢地对付 fail in v ing phr 在 做 失败。fall in with同意 fall off下降 变坏 离开,叛离。fall out争吵 结果如何 离队。fall out of放弃习惯等。fasten sth on upon sb 把罪名等强加于某人。f our ...


be get become used to 习惯于。be given to 喜欢 癖好。be related to 与有关系。be addicted to 沉溺于 对上瘾。be opposed to 反对。devote oneself to献身于 专心于。be devoted to 致力于 忠诚于。...