
发布 2021-02-05 07:36:28 阅读 5089


1. be(get) used to sth /doing sth 习惯于。

you will soon be used to washing your face with cold water.

i h**e got used to the weather here.

2. get down to sth/ doing sth 着手做。

let’s get down to work.

h**e they got down to translating the novel?

3. lead to (lead sb to do sth) 导致 ( 但是 lead sb to do sth)

hard work leads to his success.

4. look forward to sth/ doing sth 盼望。

children always look forward to the spring festival.

i am looking forward to receiving your reply.

doing sth to doing sth 宁愿做…也不愿做…

he prefers doing to talking.

prefer to do sth rather than do sth

6. stick to 坚持。

although others disagrees with me, i will stick to my plan.

7. devote … to sth/ doing sth 把…奉献给。

she devoted herself to helping me homeless children.

she is determined to devote herself to teaching.

8. be addicted to 沉溺于, 沉迷于。

he became addicted to playing computer games.

9. contribute to 对…有贡献, 促成…

every player contributed to the victory.

smoking contributes to lung cancer.

10. occur to 想起, 想到。

a good idea occurred to me.

it never occurred to me that you would refuse.

11. pay attention to 注意, 重视。

when you are reading, please pay attention to the words underlined.

12. thanks to /owing to/ due to 因为, 幸亏。

thanks to the weather, the sports meet can be held this monday.

13. get close to 靠近, 差点。

don’t get close to the river. it’s very dangerous.

i got close to being killed by a passing car this morning!

14. refer to 查阅, 指的是, 与…有关。

if you don’t know this word, you can refer to your dictionary.

15. belong to 属于某人。

this book belongs to me.

16. come to 总计;突然出现在脑海中;苏醒。

by the end of this year, the total amount of money had come to over 45 million dollars.

the idea came to me in the middle of the night.

注意: it comes to (doing) sth当涉及/提到(做)

most of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such things isn’t of much help when it comes to shopping and eating.

2. come to oneself 恢复常态。

17. up to… 达到。

the speed of the hurricane reached up to 190km/ph.

18. look up to 尊敬(敬仰)

he always looks up to his younger sister.

19. live up to 达到,符合,(他人的期望)

mr wang lived up to his name and died a millionaire.


20. object to sth/ doing sth 反对…

the boss object to the plan.

do you object to my smoking?

21. on the way to sth /doing sth 去…的路上, 朝…方向发展。

i am on my way to school.

she is now at college and on the way to becoming a teacher.

22. an end to sth …的结束。

what he wanted to see was an end to all the armies of the world.

23. in addition to 除了…

in addition to english, he is also learning german.

in addition to studying english, he is also learning german.

24. access to 接近, 进入( 某地的方法)

the only access to that building is along that street.

25. according to 按照。

the work was done according to his instructions.

26. see to sth 照料, 处理。

i h**e got some personal afairs to see to.

注意:see to it that = make sure that 务必要,注意

例如:see to it that your are back before 4 o’clock.务必四点钟之前回来。

27. drink to 为…干杯。

now let’s drink to your success!

28. turn to 求助于(依靠,转而从事于)

no matter when he is in trouble, he always turns to me for help.

29. be equal to 等于,胜任,经得起。

he is equal to doing this task.

to 使感兴趣,对……有吸引力,打动人心

the ‘harry potter’ books appeal to readers of all ages.

31. agree to同意(计划、建议和安排)

do you agree to my plan?

32. limit sth. to sb.(sth.) 使限于……内。

the teaching of history should not be limited to dates and figures.



pay attention to look forward to be get used to 习惯于 prefer a to b比起b更喜欢a.prefer to do sth 更愿意做某事。make a contribution to.为 作贡献。contribute towards to 捐献...


常见的动词短语如下 get used to习惯于。she isn t used to living with strangers.她不习惯与陌生人住在一起。2.get down to开始认真 做某事 while the weather is fine,i must get down to ...


介词 介词短语1 表示 时间 的介词。一 表示 在何时 常用介词at,on,in等。1 at一般用来表示在某一具体的时间点。如 at night 在晚上 at noon 中午at that time 在那时。at lunch 午餐时 at the age of.在。岁时 at first 起初。2 ...