
发布 2021-02-05 07:21:28 阅读 9879


1. agree 同意;应允 2. allow 允许,准允 3. begin(began,begun) 开始,着手。

4. believe 相信;认为 5. build(built,built) 建筑;造

6. building 建筑物;房屋;大楼 7. point 指,指向; 点;分数。

8. capital 首都;省会;大写;资本 9. clear 清晰的;明亮的;清楚的。

10. country 乡下,农村 11. describe 描述,描写 12. early 早的, 早地

13. enough 足够的;充分的, 足够地;充分地 14. example 例子;榜样。

15. fall(fell,fallen) 落下;降落;倒, 秋天 16. final 最后的;终极的。

17. get(got,got) 成为;得到;具有;到达 18. public 公共的;公众的; 公众

19. rather 相当,宁可 20. reason 原因;理由 21. return 归还,回,归

22. rise(rose,risen) 上升,**2 3. grow(grew,grown) 生长;发育;种植;变成24.

hear(heard,heard) 听见;听说,得知 25. however 可是;然而;尽管如此 26. idea 主意,意见,打算,想法 27.

interest 兴趣,趣味;利息

28. know(knew,known) 知道,了解;认识;懂得 29. learn(-ed,-ed/ learnt,learnt) 学,学习,学会 30.

letter 信;字母 31. member 成员,会员 32. moment 片刻,瞬间 33.

nothing 没有东西,没有什么;一点也不 34. outside 外面, 在……外面。

二词组。谈论某事 等待;寻 专心于。

收到某人的信 倾听 教育,培养建起烧光 继续开展 实行开展 出来 共计达到 与比较 比作 切断始于依靠分发放弃出反对 继续 浏览 生长传下来听说伸出加速坚持31standfor代表,象征遭受谈论试验。

介词。think i should be allowed to make decisionsmyself.

a. with b. toc. for d. against

2. wow! ten students in our class will celebrate their fourteenth birthdaysoctober.

a. inb. on c. atd. to

3. the chemicals in the vegetables and fruit are badour health.

a. from b. with c .ofd. for

are planning to h**e a surprise partyher fifteenth birthday.

a. at b. in c. ford. with

5. —excuse me. could you tell me the the way to the people's hospital?

walk along this street __the end and you'll find it on your left.

a. in b. toc. byd. at

6.— how can i get more information about the donation to ya'an?

you can e-mail mr

a. on b. in c. at d. by

7.—why do you always sleep___because i’m afraid of the dark.

a. by yourself b. with the door open c. with the window open d. with the light on

8. —do you know mu yan?

of course, he won the 2012 nobel prize four literature___the age of 57.

a. inb. at c. on d. to

9.—when did the earthquake in lushan happen?

—it happened __8:02 __the morning of april 20, 2013.

a. on; in b. at; in c. at; on d. on; on

10. —i'd like a cup of black coffee. what about you, maggie?

i prefer coffeesugar.

a. thanb. forc. with d. to

11. the old man is a good swimmer, and even now he often swims __tuojiang river after supper.

a. over b. through c. tod. across

12.— did you go to the exhibition on may 18th?

of course. there were many kinds of taiwan fruits

a. on showb. on dutyc. on business

teachers hope all of us can hand __our homework __time every day.

a. up; inb. out; on c. on; ind. in; on

't ask him to study too late into the nighthe is only a small child.

a. as a resultb. after all. c. best of alld. for example.

is important___peoplelearn team spirit.

a. of; ofb. of; to c. for, to d. to; to

arrived___shanghai___a cold morning.

a. in: inb. in: on c. at: on d. at: in

workers will build a new railroad___the two cities.

sinceb. betweenc. asd. during

18. it’s really___you to drive so fast on such a rainy day. slow down!

a. crazy for b. crazy of c. wise for d. wise of

is reported that a lot of adults take lessons online___further education.

a. afterb. toc. withd. for

20. —when did the terrible earthquake happen in ya’an sichuan?

it happened8:02___the morning of april 20th ,2013.


1 表示时间。1 表示 在什么时候 常用at,on,in等。1 at用来表示几点钟,休假日,及一些固定短语。如 at ten o clock.在十点钟。at the weekend.在周末。at christmas.在圣诞节期间。注 at用在这里是表示假日,节日期间,而不是节日当天。at night...


介词及介词短语。一 主要介词区别。1 表示时间的at,in,on at表示片刻的时间,如 at 8 o clock,常用词组有 at noon,at night,at midnight,at the end of,at that time,at the beginning of,at theage ...


介词 介词短语1 表示 时间 的介词。一 表示 在何时 常用介词at,on,in等。1 at一般用来表示在某一具体的时间点。如 at night 在晚上 at noon 中午at that time 在那时。at lunch 午餐时 at the age of.在。岁时 at first 起初。2 ...