
发布 2020-01-04 04:28:28 阅读 7333



1、表示时间的at, in, on:at表示片刻的时间,如:at 8 o’clock,常用词组有:

at noon, at night, at midnight, at the end of, at that time, at the beginning of, at theage of, at christmas, at new year等。

in表示一段的时间,如:in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, inoctober, in 1998, in summer, in the past, in the future等。

on总是跟日子有关,on monday, on christmas morning, on the following, onmay day, on a warm morning等。



i hope to do morning exercises from today./ we h**e not seeneach other since 1995.3、表示时间的in和after:

两者都表示“在(某个时间)之后,区别在于in表示“在(一段时间)之后”,而after则表示“在(某一具体时间点之后)”,in短语和将来时态连用,after短语和过去时态或将来时态连用。如:we’ll be backin three days.

/ after seven the rain began to fall./ what shall we do after graduation?注意:

after有时也可以表示在一段时间之后(常用在过去时里)。如:aftertwo months he returned.

4、表示地理位置的in, on, to:in表示在某范围内,on指与什么毗邻,to指在某环境范围之外。如:

changchun is in the northeast of china./ mongolia is onthe north of china./ japan is to the east of china.


如:there is a book on the piece of *****./ there is an interestingarticle in the news*****.

/ he dug a hole in the wall.6、表示“穿过……”的through和across:through表示从内部通过,与in有关;across则表示从一端至另一端在表面上的通过,与on有关。

如:water flowsthrough the pipe./ the old man walked across the street.7、in the end, at the end of, by the end of:

in the end作“最后”、“终于”解,可单独使用,后不接介词of;at the end of表示“在……末梢”,“到……尽头”,既可指时间,也可以指地上或物体。不可单独使用;by the end of作“在……结束时”,“到……末为止”解,只能指时间。不可单独使用。

如:in the end they reacheda place of safety./ at the end of the road stands a beautiful garden.

/ they decided toh**e an english evening at the end of this week./ by the end of last month he hadfinished the novel.8、between, among:

一般说来,between表示两者之间,among用于三者或三者以上的中间。如:you are to sit between your father and me.

/ he is always happyamong his classmates.9、besides, except, but, except for:besides指“除了……还有,再加上”。

如:all went out besides me.;

except指“除了,减去什么”,不能放在句首。如:all went out except me.;

but与except意思近似,表示“除了……外”经常用在no, all, nobody,anywhere, everything等和其他疑问词后面。如:i never saw him reading anythingbut the news*****.

;except for。表示美中不足的地方。如:his diary is good except for a fewspelling mistakes.。


he is writing a letter with apen./ he wrote the letter in pencil./ we measured it in pounds.

/ read the text in a loudvoice./ tell me the story in english.13、in charge of和in the charge of:

两者都表示“由谁负责、照顾、管理”。区别在于:in charge of后接被照管的人或物,而in the charge of后面则跟照管的人。

如:who is in charge of the project?/ the project is in the charge of an engineer.。

14、as, like:as作“作为”、“以……地位或身份”解。如:

let me speak to youas a father.(事实是父亲);like作“象……一样”解。如:

let me speak to you like afather.(事实上不是父亲)。

15、in front of和in the front of:in front of = before,是“在……前面”的意思(不在某物内);

in the front of则是“在……前部”的意思(在某物内)。如:there is a desk in front of the blackboard.

/ the boy sat in the front of the car.。

16、in, into:into表示动向,不表示目的地或位置。如:

we walked into thepark.;in通常表示位置。如:

we walked in the park;in和drop, fall, put, throw, break等终止性动词连用时,也可以表示动向。如:i h**e put the coin in (into) my pocket.





a.动词+介词:laugh at, wait forb.

形容词、过去分词+介词:be good at, be proud ofc名词+介词:pay a visit to , the key to3、表示选择关系的连词,连接的双方只取其一。

常用连词有or, either...or,otherwise例如:

a)you can go to beijing either today or must get up early or you won’t catch the early bus.

4、表示转折关系,连接的双方构成对比,意义上有转折。常用连词有but,however, while, only例如:

a)his brother is fond of football while he likes can watch tv, but you must finish your homework first.5、表示联合关系,联合的双方是对等的,意义上趋向一致。常用连词有:

and, both...and, neither...nor, not only...

but also, as well asto study english well, we need both diligence and horse is not only the youngest among the five, but also runs the fastest.6、表示因果关系,连接的双方,互为因果,或者前因后果,或者前果后因。常用的连词有:

for, so例如:

it must h**e rained, for the ground is wet.



by and by不久,迟早。

by and large大体上。

by oneself单独。

by the way顺便说说。

by far……得多,最……

by chance碰巧。

by accident偶然地。

by means of借助。

by no means绝不,一点也不。

by mistake错误地。

the water in the river rose by two meters.河水**了两米。

he is an englishman by birth.他在血统上是英国人。



they arrived beyond nine o’clock.他们过了9:00才到。

the book is beyond me.这本书我看不懂。

tom is far beyond his elder brother in maths.汤姆的数学比他哥哥的好多了。


1.名词词组:on the contrary相反;in turn依次;in one’s opinion根据某人的看法;off time准时;out of reach够不着。

2.动词词组:remind sb of sth提醒某人某事;rob sb of sth抢劫某人的……;restdt from由……引起;call at访问(某地)3.形容词词组:be curious about对……好奇;be proud of因……而自豪;be popular with受到……的欢迎。

4.介词短语:apart from除……pb;in addition to除……之外(还);becauseof因为;instead of代替;in fear of为……提心吊胆;for fear of以免;in case of防备;thanks to由于;in the middle of在……中间;according to根据;in frontof在……前面;in return for作为对……的回报;in charge of负责;as a result of作为……的结果;in exchange for与……交换等。





一单词。1.agree 同意 应允 2.allow 允许,准允 3.begin began,begun 开始,着手。4.believe 相信 认为 5.build built,built 建筑 造 6.building 建筑物 房屋 大楼 7.point 指,指向 点 分数。8.capital 首都...


1 表示时间。1 表示 在什么时候 常用at,on,in等。1 at用来表示几点钟,休假日,及一些固定短语。如 at ten o clock.在十点钟。at the weekend.在周末。at christmas.在圣诞节期间。注 at用在这里是表示假日,节日期间,而不是节日当天。at night...


高考英语语法 介词及介词短语复习专题。介词又叫前置词,是一种虚词。1.介词可按其构成分为 1 简单介词,即一个介词,如about,at,in,of,since等。2 复合介词,由两个介词组成,如as for,as to,out of等。3 二重介词,由两个介词搭配而成,但没有复合介词那样固定,如fr...