
发布 2021-02-05 07:23:28 阅读 6291




the key to the door is missing.


as we know, japanis to the east of china.


1) on sundays, the family are mostly out. (时间状语)

2) on top of the hill stands a tv tower. (地点状语)

3)all the work must be done by hand. (方式状语)


1. 介词+宾语+形容词。

he is used to sleeping with all the windows open.

2. 介词+宾语+分词。

the wounded boy glared at the nobleman with his teeth clenched.

3. 介词+宾语+不定式。

the cat humped its back just like a fierce tiger to jump upon me.

4. 介词+宾语+副词。

the little boy rushed out of the house without anything on.

5. 介词+宾语+介词短语。

the teacher entered the classroom with a book under his arm.



the naughty boy suddenly rushed out from behind the tree to frighten the girl.


not knowing what to do, the worried officer walked up and down the room.

there are many trees in and outside the town.


1. 表示“上、下”等方位的介词。

2. 表示地点的in和at的区别。

a) at表示位置,in表示“在…内”如:

where is he? —he is at the cinema. (问话者想知道的是位置)

is he in the cinema? —yes, he is. (问话者可能已经在影院门外)

b) at表示小地点,in表示大地点。

they arrived at the village at seven.

they arrived in beijing at seven.

3. in, to和on在方位名词前的区别。


taiwanlies in the east ofchina.

taiwanlies to the east of the mainland ofchina.

mongolia (蒙古) is (lies) on the north of china.

4. 表示时间的in和after


he will be back in five hours.

he will be back after five o’clock.


they came back after five days.

常见考法。1. 一些常见介词如in, at, for, to, by, on, against, between, along, below, with, as等的辨析;

2. 一些介词短语如next to, far from, out of, due to, in all, in fact, in short, in return, in search of, in place of, for lack of, for fear of, by nature, in case, by chance 的辨析。

误区提醒。1. 一些介词的基本用法不清;2. 一些多义介词的用法弄混;3. 一些介词短语不会灵活运用。

典型例题】you mind not picking the flowers in the garden? they are __everyone’s enjoyment.

b. at c. for d. to

解析: 错选d。for everyone’s enjoyment 意为“为了大家欣赏”,for在此处为一基本用法,但受to one’s joy的影响错选答案。正确答案为c。

2. so far, we h**e done a lot to build a low-carbon economy, but it is __ideal. we h**e to work still harder.

a. next to b. far from c. out of d. due to

解析:错选c。next to 挨着,far from 远非,out of 出于,due to 因为,根据意思,有空的句子要表达“但还很不理想”。正确答案为b。


介词短语重点识记。as for对于 至于thanks to多亏了instead of代替,而不是such as例如share sb.with sth.与某人分享某物in style流行的,时尚的in common公共的,共有的in need需要for example例如。at last最终,终于af...


介词 介词短语1 表示 时间 的介词。一 表示 在何时 常用介词at,on,in等。1 at一般用来表示在某一具体的时间点。如 at night 在晚上 at noon 中午at that time 在那时。at lunch 午餐时 at the age of.在。岁时 at first 起初。2 ...


语法综合复习介词和介词短语。中考对介词的要求 词汇表中所列介词的基本用法。一。in 用法总结 1.表示时间 in 世纪 某年 某月 季节 上午 下午 晚上。in the 21st century in 2008 in january february march april may june jul...