
发布 2021-02-05 07:41:28 阅读 3811


look forward to…

pay attention to…

adapt (oneself) to… (使)适应…

be adapted/accustomed/used to… 习惯于…

refer to… 参考;提及;指…

devote oneself/sth to… =sb. is devoted to … 奉献于,致力于…

expose sb./sth. to … 使暴露在…下;使接触…

但多用于被动)sb./sth. be exposed to … 暴露在…下 ;接触…

lead to… =result in…= contribute to 导致,促成。

make a contribution / contributions to … 为…作出贡献。

the way to … 通往…的路) 区分: the way to do sth. (做某事的方法)

a shortcut to… 通往…的捷径。

the entrance/access/key/approach/monument/clue/answer to…

a (brief) introduction to sth. sth简介。

a note to sth. …的注解

a reply/response to… 对…的回复、回应。

one’s action to … 某人对…的反应。

a witness to… …的目击者。

one’s attitude to/towards… 对…的态度。

to one’s surprise/disappointment/pleasure/relief/astonishment

admit (to) sth./doing… (to可省略) 承认做过某事。

thanks to=owing to=because of 因为,由于。

admit sb. to …允许某人进入…/ 录取某人进…

sp. be accessible to sb.某人可以进入/使用某地/某物。

sth. be **ailable to sb. 某人可以获得,使用,买到,借到…某物。

when it comes to… 当提及…的时候。

object to sth/doing…反对… =make/raise an objection to… =be opposed to …

h**e no objection to…

react to sth. 对…作出回应 one’s reaction to…

go/come/rush to one’s rescue/aid 赶去/来救援、帮助某人。

dance to the music 随着**而起舞 exercise to music 跟着**做运动。

be married to sb. 与某人结了婚的(状态)

sentence sb. to death 判某人死刑 sentence sb. to six months in prison 判某人入狱半年。

compare a to b 把a比作b

stick to/ cling to one’s own ideas 坚持己见。

confine sb. to a one’s home sb. be confined to one’s home 困在家。

commit oneself to sth./doing sth. (sb. be committed to sth./doing ) 致力于做某事/承诺做某事。

commit sb. to prison 将某人移交监狱。

her commitment to work deserves our respect. 对工作的奉献/忠诚。

tend to the sick/ attend (to) the sick.= take care of the sick=look after the sick

rise to fame 成名。

abandon oneself to sth/doing 沉湎于。



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