
发布 2021-06-04 08:30:28 阅读 8380

1.call at (1).访问(某处);(2)。(车船等)停靠(某地)。

we called at yesterday.昨天我们拜访了史密斯先生家。the train calls at every station.

火车每站必停。2.call back (1).回**;(2)。


the boy had gone but a few steps,when his father called him back.孩子才走几步,父亲就把他叫了回来。

i’ll call you back in half an hour.半小时后我会给你打**的。3.call for (1).


he’ll call for the mail on his way home.在回家的路上他要去取邮件。i’llcallforyouat6o’clockandwe’ occasion calls for quick action.

情况需要采取紧急行动。4.call in找来;请来。

as the child’s condition grew worse,the parents called in a doctor.由于孩子的病情恶化,他父亲请来了一位医生。5.call on (1).


i called on the director at his office.我到主任的办公室找他。the party calls on us to study hard.

党号召我们刻苦学习。6.call up (1).打**(2).


on reaching there,i’ll call you up.一到那里,我就会给你打**的。

the picture calls up scenes of my childhood.这张相片是我想起了童年的情景 off取消。

the meeting has been called off.会议已经取消。why was the football match called off?足球赛为什么取消?

初中英语 中考常见高频动词短语

一。动词 副词。out 取出 out吹灭 up 清扫 收拾干净 up 使高兴起来 back 回来 去 out 花 开 出来 出版 over 顺便来访 out 核实 检查 9 eat up 吃光 behind 落后 down 跌倒 12 give back 退还 back 取回 over 克服 on上...

初中英语 初中英语常见常考易混短语例解

一 at lot of 或lots of 与plenty of 相同点 它们都表示 许多 一些 的含义。区别是 a lot of既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。plenty of一般只用来修饰不可数名词。例如 1.our school has a lot of students.我们的学校有许...


1 h e you got你有。吗?例 h e you got a red pencil?h e you got any books about biology?2 why don t you do你为什麽不。做事 例 why don t you do the homework?why don t ...