
发布 2021-06-03 14:11:28 阅读 8719

一、时态和语态:主要考查时态一致;从句中的时态规则;习惯上不用被动语态的词; 时态的点与线;完成时态;进行时态的被动语态等。如:

1. do you know他们认识多久了)before they got married? (know)

2. as soon as he comes back, i’ll tell him你何时会来看他). see)

3已经说得够多了)about how to learn english. (enough)

4. though the novel写得不错),it不畅销). write, sell)

5已经下了三天雨了)when we got there. (rain)

6. when and where to build the new school仍然在讨论中). discuss)


1. how interesting the film is! i’ve never seen比这更有趣的电影了). one)

2. the football match is disappointing. it不能再糟了). can)

3. he can eat两倍的冰激淋)as i do. (ice cream)

4. the temperature of wuhan is比广州高得多). high)

5. new zealand is mainly made up of two islands其中较大的一个)is the south island. (large)

6. the more i know him我越不喜欢他), like)


1. i got up early, but i不必这么做), because it was sunday. (need)

2他肯定没回家), i saw him playing basketball a moment ago. (go)

3. why didn’t you tell me about your problem? i本来能够帮你的). could)

4一定有太多的人)waiting to get the ticket. it was such a popular match. (there)

5你不该离开)without saying a word. you don’t know how anxious we were about you! (le**e)


1. if a child习惯了给予), he will be spoiled. (used, give)

2. when i got off the train, it碰巧下雨). happen)

3. badly damaged during the earthquake, he had to请人重修房子). h**e, rebuild)

4. the speaker raised his voice to使别人听见). himself)

5. the poor boy通常被迫学习)until late into the night. (make)

6受到批评)by the teacher, the boy felt unhappy. (criticize)

7他没有被邀请)to the party made him disappointed. (invite)

8. another coal mine accident __据报道发生)in shang xi yesterday. (report, take place)

五、名词性从句:侧重what, that, where, how, why 以及whatever, whoever等复合连词引导的主语、表语、宾语和同位语从句。

1以前认为不可能的事)has now turned into realities. (used, consider)

2任何当选领导的人)should do他能做的来帮助)the people. (elect, help)

3. you can give the document to你见到的任何人)in my house. (see)

4地球绕太阳转)has long been proved. (move)

5. nobody knows人类将是什么样子)in the future. (look)

6. the idea我们去野炊)didn’t appeal to me at all. (go)

7. air is to man正如水之于鱼)

六、定语从句:侧重as, which引导的非限定性从句,介词+which / whom从句以及whose 引导的定语从句等。

1众所周知), taiwan is part of china. (know)

2. the newcomer is from japan这点可以分辨)from his appearance. (tell)

3. there are more than 50 students in our class其中大部分)are from wuhan. (most)

4. my house is in the suburb前面有个湖). front)

5. the white building其屋顶)was damaged in the big fire, is actually a hospital. (roof)

6. the bike他请人修过的)broke down again. (h**e, repair)

七、状语从句:侧重where, before, unless, when以及whatever (no matter what), however (no matter how) 等引导的状语从句,以及其它惯用状语从句结构,如as, be just about to…when; it won’t be long before等。

1要不了多久)the beijing olympic games are held. (long)

2. i’m sure the letter won’t arrive in time除非用航空邮寄). unless)

3尽管她很富有), she is not happy. (as)

4. many graduates demanded to be sent最需要他们的地方去). need)

5一首诗歌无论翻译得多好),something of the original is lost. (however)

6我正准备出发)it began to rain. (about)

7. tom is这么聪明的孩子)that all of us like him. (so, boy)

八。 倒装与强调:常用的倒装结构(部分与全部倒装);强调句型的疑问句以及名词性从句中的语序等。


1.他往汤里加了一些盐。add hethe soup.2.我想知道你是否会同意我的意见。agree i wonder if youme.3.当杰克一到达机场我就会给你打 arrive i ll call you as soon as jackthe airport.4.他的两个妹妹在五岁时就会讲英语...


完成句子之倒装。倒装完全倒装 1.表示运动方向或地的副词位于句首。eg here comes the bus.谓语动词comes 提到了主语the bus的前面 2.表示地点的介词词组位于句首。eg at the corner stands a man selling news 谓语动词stands...


初一英语单词专练 1 5 根据所给汉语及首字母填空。1 is that her 手表2 it s a nice戒指 3 is this your 棒球4 this is my电子游戏 5 that isn t my钥匙6my numbet is 3367816.7 please 回答 my ques...