入)protecting the environment.(join)
2我们只有了解更多后)will we be able to improve the
3直到午夜)that they reached the camp site.(until)
until all the fish died in the river村民才意识到)how serious
the pollution was.(realize)
until the motorbike looked almost new他们才停止清洗)it.(stop)6直到她回到家)that she realized she had lost her keys.(get)他去参加这个会议)butalsogiveaspeechthere.
only他在一所重点中学教书)but also he worked as a badmintoncoach at a training center.(teach)
h**e been living in the usa for ten years,but seldom我感觉如此孤单)as 老师对我的进步感到满意).(satisfy)
no circumstances中国允许)taiwan to break away from the mainland.(allow)我们刚把房子推到)when it began to rain.(pull)
13他们一听到)that help was on the way than they cheered up.(hear) years ago the population of our village was是他们2倍).(as,much)
大5倍)what it used to be.(size)
is reported that the united states uses2倍的能源)the whole ofeurope.(as,energy)
year the factory has produced2倍多的电脑)as it did lastyear.(twice)
should尽可能多和孩子在一起).(as,spend)没什么比…更好的)toseethesmiling face of a good friend.(nothing)
is said that english is如此有用的一门课)that so many studentsconcentrate on it duringclass.(so,beneficial)
22如此沉迷于电脑游戏)is the kid that he can hardly concentrateon his lessons.(addict)
技术发展)h**ingbeenusedforonlyayear,my cellphone is out of date.(develop)
difficult我发现解决问题)that i decided to ask tom foradvice.(find,work)
她了解)trafficregulalationsthatshecouldn’tanswerthequestions asked by the policeman.(know)
nice她的声音听起来)that i like to hear her singing.(sound)
27尽管这个问题很简单),noteveryoneofthestudentscan work it out.(******,as)
28尽管他的想法可能听起来奇怪),it was accepted by all thepeople at the meeting.(as,sound)
29尽管他残疾),he earns a living by himself.(as)
30结果是)somebody had taken my umbrella by mistake that night.(turn)31据报道)the floods h**e left about 2000 people homeless.(report)32普遍都知道)that trees are indispensable to us.
(it,acknowledge)有一所新建的现代化学校)oneofthebiggestschools in china at present.(modern)
有严重的问题存在)andthatthere is still time to take action.(exist)
the field长着许多庄稼),which needed to be watered.9grow) the tree坐着以为白发苍苍的老人),reading a book.9sit) the crowd有个高个的男孩),who seemed to be a player.
(be) in front of our house立着棵树)with a history of 1,000 years.(stand)39只有牢记他的话)in mind can you **oid ****** the same mistake again.(bear)40就是她)made a great a great mistake in the composition.
(it) is not who is right but what is right是重要的).(importance)42正是在当地导游的帮助下)that the climber was rescued.(help)学生们在做)experiments.
我领你参观的)lastweekendthattheaccident took place.(show)
45就是在20世纪20年代初期)that they started to come to kansas.(early)46the more careful you are in the exam你犯得错误越少).(make)47他们越接近)the lake,the darker the sky became.
(get) is late again他通常)to keep others waiting.(typical)
49有什么意义)h**ingapublicopenspacewhereyoucan’teat,drink or even simply hang out for a while?(sense)
50没必要)for you to come if you don’t want to.(need)
没弄清楚)whenand where the meeting would be held.(make)52我突然想到)that we should give him a hand.(occur)
53极有可能)he will recover from his injury in time for the race.(chance)54拭目以待)whether jim will be fit enough to play in the finals.(remain)55对我无关紧要)whether he goes or not.
you explain怎么会)that you were an hour late?come)57似乎)nobody knows what has happened.(seem)
pollution may使孩子更容易生病)in the future.(make) and see me whenever你方便)(convenient)
60浏览网页)of the fire department in your city,and you will learna lot about firefighting.(search)
61比较这2篇文章),and you’ll see this article is longer but not asgood.(compare)
一 下面这篇作文题,立意为 人当始终保有高飞之志 能不能在五分钟之内,口述一篇论说类文章的提纲?有一只鹰蛋不小心落到了鸡窝里,被当成鸡孵了出来,从出生那天起,他就与鸡窝里的兄弟姐妹们不一样。他没有五彩斑斓的羽毛,不会用泥灰为自己洗澡,不会三喙两嘴就从土里掏出一只小虫来。矮小的鸡窝总是碰他的头,而鸡们...
句子成分。什么叫句子成分呢?句子的组成成分叫句子成分。在句子中,词与词之间有一定的组合关系,按照不同的关系,可以把句子分为不同的组成成分。句子成分由词或词组充当。现代汉语里一般的句子成分有六种,即主语 谓语 宾语 定语 状语和补语。句子成分。什么叫句子成分呢?句子的组成成分叫句子成分。在句子中,词与...
4.everything looks different一切看来都不同了。5.he is growing tall and strong他长得又高又壮。6.the trouble is that they are short of money.麻烦的是他们缺少钱。7.our well has gon...