
发布 2021-05-28 18:08:28 阅读 6424



1 你知道哪些寓言或童话故事?用你自己的话写一写,并说明故事中的一个道理。注意时态为一般过去时。

the tortoise and the hare

one day a tortoise and a hare had a race. the hare was sure he would win so he took a rest. he was so proud and careless.

the slow but careful tortoise won the race. remember, slow and steady wins the race.

2. 请用不少于5句话,描述一种你喜欢的动物。

the panda

the panda is cute. it is black and white. it has a fat body.

it looks like a bear. it can climb trees. it lives in china.

it eats bamboo.

3. 请用不少于5句话,简单向人们呼吁保护拯救地球上的动物的有效措施。

how to s**e the animals

we should s**e the animals in danger . never buy things made from animals in danger. plant trees and don’t pollute.

if we all work together we can still s**e the animals. go for it!

4 描写你最喜欢的一种濒危动物,并写出一些拯救他们的有效措施。

the panda

the panda is cute. it is black and white. it has a fat body.

it looks like a bear. it can climb trees. it lives in china.

it eats bamboo. never buy things made from animals in danger. plant trees and don’t pollute.

if we all work together we can still s**e the animals. go for it!

5 介绍你知道的一位历史人物。

dr sun yatsen

dr sun yatsen was a great leader. he tried to free the chinese people. he loved the chinese people.

the chinese people loved him. he was famous. he was good.

6 写出在公共场合的文明礼貌守则或者在校园里的文明礼仪要求。

school rules

we should listen to the teachers. we should hand in homework on time. we should help pupils in need.

we shouldn’t play in class. we shouldn’t laugh at others.

7 假设你要去国外旅游,用不少于5句话,写写你出国旅行的计划。(介绍你喜欢的一个国家及其某个城市)

tr**el abroad

if i can tr**el abroad. i will go to london. london is famous.

i will see the big ben. i will see the tower bridge.

8 暑假就要到了,请写一篇日记,写写你假期外出旅行的计划。p53

thursday, june 25thsunny

summer holiday is coming. i will go to london. london is famous.

i will see the big ben. i will see the tower bridge.

9 写一写你曾经去过的一个地方或者一次有意义的外国旅游经历。p59


london is famous. i like london. so last year i went to london.

i saw the big ben. i saw the tower bridge. i had a good time!

10 假设你是mike,写一封信给朋友jack,叙述曾经的一次有意义的外国之旅。p59

dear jack,how are you?london is famous. i like london.

so last year i went to london. i saw the big ben. i saw the tower bridge.

i had a good time!



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