初中英语词汇1500总复习试卷 答案

发布 2021-05-25 10:55:28 阅读 8536


一. 词汇匹配。

1. unfriendly adj. 通常的unhappyn. 大学。

university adv. 通常。

usualadj. 不友好的。

usuallyadj. 不高兴的。

2. touchn. **。

toughv.& n. 触摸;碰。

tourn. 旅行。

tradeadj. 艰苦的; trainv. 训练。

3. sailv. 使……满意。

salev. 航行。

scoren. 销售,**。


satisfyadj. 咸的。

4. roadn. 岩石;石头。

robotn. 角色。

rockn. 机器人。

rocketn. 火箭。

rolen. 路,道路。

5. quarteradj. 快的;迅速。

questionv. 提问;询问。

quickn. 四分之一。

quietadv. 相当地。

quiteadj. 安静的。

6. wonderv. 担心;苦恼。

worryn. 奇迹。

worstadj. 值得的。

worthadj. 失常的;

wrongadj. 最坏的。

二. 不规则动词。

beatv. (beat; beaten )

brin**. (brought, brought)

buildv. (built, built )

burnv. (ed, -ed或burnt , burnt)

buyv. (bought, bought )

catchv. (caught, caught)

choosev. (chose, chosen )

deal(dealt, dealt )

eatv. (ate; eaten )

feedv. (fed/fed)

feelv. (felt/felt)

findv.(found, found )

han**. (hung/hung)

growv. (grew/grown)

forgetv. (forgot/forgotten)

hidev. (hid/hidden)

hitv. (hit & hit)

holdv. (held; held)

hurtv. (hurt; hurt)

keep(kept , kept )

knowv.(knew; known)

lay(laid, laid )

leadv. (led, led)

le**ev. (left; left)

le**ev. (left; left)

liev. (lay; lain )

pay (paid/paid )

risev. (rose, risen)


sendv. (sent/sent)

setv. (set, set)

shakev. (shook/shaken)

shinev. (shone, shined / shone, shined)

shown. v. (showed , shown)

shut (shut, shut )

smellv.(smelt/smelled, smelt/smelled)

spend(spent, spent )

spreadv. (spread, spread)

standv. (stood, stood)

sweepv. (swept, swept)

stealv. (stole ;stolen )

throwv. (threw, thrown )

wakev. (woke, waken)

wearv. (wore; worn)

三. 选词填空。

raise risk match lead connect

fail arrange divide warn fill

1. she was risking her own and her children's health.

2. it seemed like a good neighbourhood to raise my children.

3. eating too much sugar can lead to health problems.

4. arrange for the transfer of medical records to your new doctor.

5. those cells divide and give many other different types of cells.

6. as a couple they are not very well matched.

7. the police h**e sufficient evidence to connect the suspect with the explosion.

8. she was warned that if she did it again she would lose her job.

9. we were all filled with admiration for his achievements.

10. i fail to see why you won't even give it a try.

四. 填空。

1. van gogh had a major influence on the development of modern painting. (develop)

2. i'd like to hear your suggestions for ways of raising money. (suggest)

3. the earlier the treatment is given, the better the patient's chances. (treat)

4. peaceful summer evenings can be spoilt by mosquitoes. (peace)

5. the causes are a complex blend of local and national tensions.紧张局势(nation)

6. i can never repay your many kindnesses to me. (kind)

7. when they finally arrived it was well past midnight. (final)

8. the move was immediately challenged by two of the republics. (immediate)

9. his sudden departure threw the office into chaos. (depart)

10. these agreements协议 h**e an effect on the buyers and the sellers. (affect)

五. 英翻中。

1. there is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.

--paulo coelho


2. the rules also require employers to provide safety training.


3. there was no doubt in his mind that the man was serious.


4. overcrowding has taxed使负重担 the city's ability to deal with waste.


5. he had seldom seen a child with so much talent.


六. 中翻英。

1. 我们期待你作出决定。(decision)

we are expecting you to make a decision.

2. 我们可以用微信相互交流。(communicate)

we can communicate with each other by wechat.

3. 我将尽一切努力准时到达。(effort)

i will make every effort to arrive on time.

4. 我盼望着不久收到你的信。 (look forward to)

i look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

5. 你是怎么说服他的? (manage)

how did you manage to persuade him?


d of 一种 a lot 非常。a lot of 许多 大量 a number of 许多 a pair of 一双 一副 a piece of 一块 张 片 ability n.能力 able adj.能够 be able to 能 会 about prep.关于 四处。adv.大约 几乎 四处...


aaccent加重accurate精确acquire获得。action操作,运算adjust调整。ambient light环境光angle角度。anti aliased平滑处理arbitrary任意的arrange排列arrow箭头。artistic艺术的,美术的。bbalance平衡bar条,栏...


2.i agree wish you.我同意你的看法。1 agree with 同意某人 的看法 意见 i can t agree with you.i agree with what he said.我同意他讲的话。i cannot agree with you on this point.在这一...