
发布 2020-01-03 15:58:28 阅读 5673

1. name n.名字, 名称,给…取名first name 名字 family name=last name 姓 be named after 以…命名the village was named after the hero .

named =called 被叫做…(作后置定语)a film /movie called / named titalic.

2. clock n 时钟 alarmclock 闹钟 around the clock 日夜不停地 we worked around the clock to finish the work . o’clock …点钟(用于整点前)at nine o’clock 九点整。

3. meet v (met , met ) 遇到、遇见 meeting 会议;集会 and conj 和,与,及,连接两个单数名词作主语,如指同一人谓语用单数 the poet and writer has come . 祈使句+and(递进)/ or(转折,意为否则,要不然) +将来时的句子= if 引导的条件状语从句(主将从现) get up early or you’ll be late for school .

if you don’t get up early , you’ll be late for school .

4. question n 问题,难题,询问,疑问 answer 回答,答复,答案ask / raise a question 提出问题 answer a question 回答问题 the answer to … 的答案the answer to this question is wrong . 类似短语:

the key to … the ticket to … the solution to …(的解决办法) could you answer the phone (接**),i am busy. reply vi答复;回答 reply to sb / sth = answer she didn’t reply to his question directly.

5. look v 看;望;看起来 look after=care for = take care of 照顾;关心look at 看一看 look for 寻找 look around 环顾四周look up 在字典等中查找 look through 从头至尾浏览 look over 仔细检查he looked over his ***** before handing it in . look forward to 盼望;期待(to为介词)look on /upon sb 看不起,轻视 a good teacher never looks down on slow students .

look out = watch out =be careful=take care 当心,留神 outlook 前景,远景 outlook glasses .

6. fist 最初,首先,第一(的)at first = first of all 首先 last 最后的,刚过去的 last monday 上周一 vi 持续,维持 how long will the cold weather last ? telephone ** cellphone=cellphone 手机

7. number 数字;号码;编号(常略作no.)a number of许多,加可数名词复数,作主语谓语用复数,the number of …的数目,作主语谓语用单数。

a number of students are from countryside in our class. the number of students is 80 in our class. phone number **号码 what’s your phone number ?

8. card 卡;卡片;名片;纸牌play cards 玩纸牌 id card 身份证。

9. family 家;家庭 family tree 家谱family name=last name 姓 family 属于集合名词,如果就其中各个成员来考虑,谓语用复数,作为整体看待,则要用单数my family is a big one . my family are all very healthy.

familiar 如同家人一样,熟悉的;通晓的 unfamilar 不熟悉的 be familiar with sth / to sb 对某物/人熟悉。

10. this 这;这个these 这些 that那(个)those 那些;一般疑问句的回答用it代替this/that ,用they 代替that/those :are these your books ?

yes , they are . **用语中this用于自我介绍,译为我,that用于询问对方,译为你;that/those 都可以代替the +前述名词:that用于代替前述单名或不可数名词,those 代前述复数名词。

one 和that都可以代替前面出现过的名词,以避免重复。that通常代替一个不可数名词即 the +名词,具有特指性质,the weather in beijing is better than that in lodon .而one 通常代替a +名词,表示泛指,同类异物。

i lost my pen , so i need to buy one . it 同类同物 i lost my pen and i am looking for it .

11. pencil 铅笔 pen 钢笔 penpal=penfriend 笔友 book n 书 vt 预定(票,房间)notebook 笔记本 eraser 橡皮;黑板擦 erase vt 擦掉;抹去;清除 ruler 直尺 case 箱;盒;橱 bookcase 书柜 pencil case 铅笔盒 suitcase 小提箱;衣箱 backpack 双肩背包pencilsharpener 卷笔刀 dictionary 字典;词典 pl dictionaries

12. excuse v 原谅;宽恕;n 借口;理由excuse me 请原谅(用于与陌生人搭话,打扰别人的场合)thank 谢谢;谢意 thank sb for sth 因…而感谢 thank to 由于;多亏=because of thanks (pl) no thanks 不用谢 adj thankful 感谢的;欣慰的。

13. in english 用英语 english n 英语;英国人adj 英国的;英国人的 a 一个(只,把,台)


d of 一种 a lot 非常。a lot of 许多 大量 a number of 许多 a pair of 一双 一副 a piece of 一块 张 片 ability n.能力 able adj.能够 be able to 能 会 about prep.关于 四处。adv.大约 几乎 四处...


aaccent加重accurate精确acquire获得。action操作,运算adjust调整。ambient light环境光angle角度。anti aliased平滑处理arbitrary任意的arrange排列arrow箭头。artistic艺术的,美术的。bbalance平衡bar条,栏...


2.i agree wish you.我同意你的看法。1 agree with 同意某人 的看法 意见 i can t agree with you.i agree with what he said.我同意他讲的话。i cannot agree with you on this point.在这一...